What are bacteria?
Unicellular organisms
Where can you find bacteria? (1 specific environment)
Everywhere! Various environments include: darkest depths of sea, warm vents of sea, water vents near volcanoes, soil on the surface of volcanoes, etc
True or False: Antibiotics can kill viruses.
What is antibiotic resistance?
When bacteria develop a defense against antibiotics
At least 20 seconds
What makes up bacteria?
Cell wall and no organelles
True or False: Bacteria in soil act as decomposers.
What are antibiotics?
Form of medication used to treat/combat bacterial infections
How to bacteria develop a resistance?
Occurs when bacteria are exposed to antibiotics and evolve to fight back.
What kind of illness should antibiotics be used for?
Bacterial illness
How many species of bacteria are there?
~8.7 million
How is it that bacteria will cause the formation of cancer and other diseases?
Bad bacteria causes diseases if the microbiome has been damaged.
Who discovered antibiotics?
Alexander Fleming
Why do bacteria develop a resistance?
Bacteria evolve faster and can share their DNA leading to developing resistance due to high exposure to antibiotics
True or False: Bacterial infections can be contagious.
What is an example of how bacteria can be harmful?
Causes food poisoning, sepsis, etc.
How is bacteria beneficial in humans and animals?
Helps digest food, protect body from pathogens, repair damages to tissue
When/where were antibiotics discovered?
1928 at St. Mary's Hospital
Why is antibiotic resistance a bad thing?
Renders medicine useless; leads to the need for new antibiotics to be made in order to treat bacterial infections
What preventative measure did we discuss that can be done to avoid the need for antibiotics?
Stay healthy!
What is the common food that has more bacteria in it than most other foods?
Fill in the word: Bacteria are amazing in their ability in the process of r_c_____g on Earth.
How was the first antibiotic discovered?
Accidentally by naturally occurring penicillin killing bacteria in a petri dish
What is one way humans contribute to antibiotic resistance?
Misuse of antibiotics
What is one easy thing you can do to stay healthy?
Wash hands, make sure health care providers clean hands/wear gloves, cover mouth when you sneeze