This circular space in a Greek theater was used by the chorus for movement and song.
What is the orchestra?
Sophocles was a famous playwright from this ancient Greek city-state.
What is Athens?
The Greek philosopher who defined tragedy and the tragic hero.
Who is Aristotle?
Antigone is the daughter of this tragic king.
Who is Oedipus?
The Greek god of the underworld and the husband of Persephone.
Who is Hades?
Greek tragedies were performed during this festival dedicated to Dionysus.
What is the City Dionysia?
Sophocles wrote this famous trilogy, which includes Antigone.
What is the Theban Plays?
This term describes the tragic hero’s fatal flaw, often leading to their downfall.
What is hamartia?
Antigone defies Creon by doing this for her brother Polynices.
What is burying him?
This hero is famous for slaying Medusa.
Who is Perseus?
The name for the large masks actors wore to amplify their voices and express emotions.
What is a persona?
Sophocles introduced this innovation to Greek drama, increasing the number of speaking actors on stage.
What is adding a third actor?
The emotional release experienced by the audience after witnessing a tragic play.
What is catharsis?
Antigone’s uncle and ruler of Thebes, who forbids the burial of Polynices.
Who is Creon?
The Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity.
Who is Prometheus?
Greek theaters had this type of seating arrangement, meaning "seeing place" in Greek.
What is the theatron?
This is the number of plays Sophocles is believed to have written, though only seven have survived.
What is 120?
A moment of sudden realization or insight experienced by the tragic hero.
What is anagnorisis?
This character serves as Creon’s voice of reason and warns him of the consequences of his actions.
Who is Tiresias?
This Greek hero was dipped in the River Styx, making him nearly invincible.
Who is Achilles?
The term for a scene in which an actor would deliver a speech alone, revealing thoughts and emotions.
What is a monologue?
Sophocles defeated this older playwright in dramatic competitions, proving his talent early in his career.
Who is Aeschylus?
Aristotle believed that the tragic hero must have this status to make their fall more impactful.
What is noble or high-born?
Antigone is engaged to this character, who ultimately takes his own life.
Who is Haemon?
According to mythology, this blind prophet was transformed into a woman for seven years.
Who is Tiresias?