He is the author of Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
Who is Sophocles?
This civilization made tragedy into an art.
Who were the Greeks?
This city was where tragedies were produced as part of a religious festival.
What is Athens?
The other two plays in the series with Antigone.
What are Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus?
This is the number of Sohpocles's plays that exist today out of a total of more than 100.
What is seven?
The ending for the hero in a Greek tragedy.
What is downfall, usually ending with destruction or death?
The part of a Greek play usually chanted (or sung) in unison.
What is the Choral Ode?
The parents of Oedipus.
Who are King Laius and Queen Jocasta of Thebes?
It is the nickname of the time period in Greece when Sophocles wrote his plays.
What is the Golden Age?
What are pity and fear, wonder and awe?
What actors in Greek tragedies typically wore.
What are masks with built-in megaphones and platform shoes?
The prophecy given to the king and queen of Thebes.
This was Sophocles's age when he won his first drama competition.
What is twenty-eight?
This brings a hero to disaster in a Greek tragedy.
What is hamartia, or a single fatal flaw.
A group of actors that move and sing together, acting as one character.
What is the Chorus?
The mother and wife of Oedipus.
Who is Jocasta?
This is the number of actors Sophocles cast in his plays.
What is three?
A horrible truth that leads to release.
What is catharsis?
The Greek word for actor.
What is hypokrites?
The decree of Creon that begins the action of Antigone.
What is "bury Eteocles but not Polyneices?"