Who is the unburied brother of Antigone
What group of people were expected to serve there husbands
10 people
This character was the driving force of the death in Antigone
How did Antigone die?
Stubborn Loyalty, excessive pride, honor to the family
How does Antigone go against Creon
Burying her brother
Themes of Antigone
political systems, gender roles, leadership, marriage, democracy and justice systems, etc.
What does the Greek chorus represent in Antigone
Our thoughts, imagination, voices
What are the two feelings represented from Aristotle's definition of tragedy?
Pity and fear
What actions lead to afterlife?
Burial after death
What authority does Antigone challenge
Who are represented the Greek Chorus
Theban Elders
Who were the tragic heroes?
Antigone and Creon
The feeling of cleansing of emotions after feeling pity or fear
How does Creon see his law and order?
He was harsh and embraced his leadership through inconsideration of his people
What concerns are represented in Antigone
Leadership roles during crisis
How would the Greek Chorus comment on the play
Songs and dances
How were the characters indirectly characterized
Foil characters
What irony was used to represent Antigone's tragedy
Situational irony
How does the prophet influence Creon?
The prophet states that Creon is upsetting the Gods
How do people escape their fate?
They can't!
How does the Greek Chorus in Oedipus the King differ from Antigone
Oedipus the King- 15 actors
Antigone- 10 actors
What were the roles of God in Antigone
Got angry with Creon's allowance and support of eternal suffering and improper burial
How does tragedy have a "shocking" ending?