Which appeal is used to stir up emotions in the audience?
Eurydice is Haemon's __________
If an advertisement references a doctor's recommendation, that is considered which appeal?
Why did Polyneices and Eteocles kill each other?
They were feuding with each other and during battle they faced off
What appeal is used when Antigone references the god's will?
I have heard them
Muttering and whispering in the dark about this girl
They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably,
Died so shameful a death for a generous act.
When Creon calls Polynices a traitor and claims he is seeking to make the people of Thebes slaves, he is using which appeal?
What were Creon's decrees about each brother's body?
Eteocles: buried/honored as a hero
Polyneices: body will be left to rot
How does Haemon attempt to use logos to persuade his father not to kill Antigone?
He explains with reasoning that what Antigone did was not evil or malicious