Called by God in Isaiah 45 although he did not know God.
Who was Cyrus the Great?
Attribute of God shown in the principle this week.
What is God's sovereignty?
Names of the mondern day areas where the Medes lived.
Where are sorthern Iraq and Iran around the Caspian Sea?
People group who benefited by Cyrus' reign.
Who are the Jews?
Showed wisdom and longevity in sharp contrast to many Babylonian rulers.
Who is Daniel?
What is the book of Esther?
Name of the present day country where the Persians lived.
Where is Iran?
Had a goblet of blood poured down his throat as he was dying.
Who is Cyrus
Gave three positive confessions regarding God.
Who is King Nebuchadnezzar?
Caused the Jews to form tightly-knit communities dispersed throughout the known world.
What is the Diaspora?
Ezra lead his people back to this place.
Where is Jerusalem?
His fraudulent horse whinney brought him to power.
Who was Darius?
Took down the Babylonian empire.
Who are the Medes and the Persians?
Malachi's message to his people.
What is, "God loves his people, but the have failed to grasp this and his covenanat"?
The Persians developed this.
What is an alphabet?
Priest and prince who built the second temple.
Who were Joshua and Zerubbabel?
Conquered all of Media and Persia.
Who is Cyrus?
Artaxerxes’ cupbearer.
Who was Nehemiah?