Physical signs
Weird Flex..but ok
Anxiety Facts

Name a physical sign that you are experiences mild anxiety.

Some tension, fidgety, start overthinking, etc,

This animal can sleep for up to three years and is known for its slow movement. It's often found hanging upside down in trees.



Challenge this anxiety thought:  "What if I mess up?"

"I will try my best and if I mess up I can still learn from my mistakes."  Or any thought that challenges.

True or False: Anxiety feels the same to everyone.

False - everyone has different responses to anxiety and stress


Danny feels anxious about a test he has coming up.  How can he manage it.

study before, get a good nights sleep, as for help, call a friend to talk to them, take deep breathings, etc.


Name a physical sign that you are experiencing moderate anxiety.

heart rate and breathing start to increase, stomach fluttering, pacing, over-thinking, etc.


This quirky food is known as a "vegetable" but is actually a fruit. It’s often mistaken for a vegetable and is famous for its green color.



Challenge this anxiety thought: "They think that I am not cool enough to hang out with them."

"I do not know what anyone is thinking.  I will be myself."  Or any thought that challenges.


True or False: Anxiety can be helpful.

True: Anxiety can help protect us if we respond to it in a positive way


Penny is starting at a new school.  What can she do when she feels anxious.

Talk to someone, practice mindfulness, make a plan for coping skills she can use at school, etc.


Name a physical sign that you are experiencing high anxiety.

Shaking, heart racing, breathing heavy, nausea, tightness in your chest, headache, crying, racing thoughts, etc.

How many hearts do octopus' have?



Challenge this anxiety thought: "What if I get hurt?"

"I am safe and I can handle this.  I will ask for help if I need it." Or any thought that challenges.


True or False: It is normal to worry when things get hectic and complicated.

True: All people worry sometimes especially when things get challenging.


Katie is worried that her best friend is mad at her.  How can she manage it.

Talk to her friend or talk to someone else.  Take deep breaths.  Write out how she is feeling in a journal, etc.


You have a big test coming up tomorrow.  How stressed are you? (1-10)

Response unique to you.  Points for discussing and identifying.


This popular snack food was invented by accident in 1853 when a chef tried to make fries but ended up creating this instead

potato chips


Challenge this anxiety thought: "I am going to throw up."

"I will get through this.  If I stay calm I will feel better."  Or any thought that challenges


True or False: Anxiety can make you feel like you are sick.

True: Anxiety causes may physical symptoms including stomach aches, chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness and more.


Rob is worried that he will mess up during his baseball game.  How can he manage this.

Take deep breaths, Use positive self-talk, etc.


You wake up in the middle of the night and hear a strange noise.  How stressed are you? (1-10).

Response unique to you.  Points for discussing and identifying.


This insect can live for several weeks without its head, as it breathes through tiny holes in its body.



Challenge this thought: "I am never going to be able to do all of this."

"I will take it one step at a time.  This will not last forever.  I can ask for help."  Or any thought that challenges.


What other emotion has a lot in common with anxiety.

Excitement!  Both anxiety and excitement have a lot of the same physical reactions. Labelling a feeling as ‘anxious’ brings to mind thoughts of what might go wrong. Labeling it as ‘excited’ brings on a more positive emotional state.


Jill is worried because her friend has not called her back like they said they would.  How can she manage this?

Challenge irrational thoughts come up.  Talk to someone else.