What is the most common type of anxiety?
General Anxiety.
what is the most common career that works with anxiety?
- A Therapist
-Social Worker
what number can people call when they need help?
Kids help phone
What does OCD stand for?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
What is the difference between a therapist and a counselor?
Counseling is more short-term than therapy.
Therapy is more long-term and focuses on a broader range of issues.
Are their other ways you can contact kids help phone.
Live chat and text
What is PTSD?
When a child or adult have witnessed or experienced a traumatic event in their life.
who can you talk to for help in school and out of school?
A therapist, counselor, a parent, a friend, a trusted adult, a sibling.
Are ADHD and ADD the same thing why or why not?
Yes, Theres been several name changes throughout the last three decades.
Can everyone get help and access resources.
very one can get help but it can be harder for other people that don't have a access to el
What is the most severe type of anxiety?
Panic Disorder