Feelings of anxiety
Managing anxiety
Multiple choice
Random anxiety questions

True or False - Nervousness is a feeling of anxiety?

What is true


What are activities you can do to manage anxiety?

A.) Stay in your room.

B.) Ignore it.

C.) Go on a walk.

D.) Talking to your health care provider or counselor.

E.) All of the above.

What is C & D, go on a walk, and talking to your health care provider or counselor.


Where can anxiety come from? a) Trauma b) Phobias c) Genetics d) All of the above

What is D, all of the above.


When does anxiety become a problem?

What is: when it stops you from doing everyday activities; when it goes off and there is no real danger; and when it happens frequently.


True or False - Mindfulness is a feeling of anxiety?

what is false


Who can be a part of your support system?

What is; anyone that is being supportive in a positive way. (Wording can vary.)


Human bodies are miraculous creations that are programed to survive. When confronted with a threat such as a lion, what does the brain do? 

A.) Shut down.

B.) Sends signals, "Threat!"

C.) Body shoots hormones, such as adrenaline.

D.) Fight

E.) Flight (Leave)

F.) All of the above.

What is F, all of the above is how the brain would respond.


Anxiety is the most common type of mental disorder affecting adolescents __% of America's population, in any given year.





What is B, 31.9%.


Give three examples of feelings that may occur with anxiety.

What is; Examples but not limited to: Stress, worry, fear, panic, edginess, jumpiness, butterflies, disquiet, apprehension, nervousness, uneasiness, agitation, the jitters, the shakes, freaking out, and angst.


True or False - Drinking caffeine can help with anxiety?

What is false


What influences can out you at greater risk of developing anxiety disorder? 

A.) Gender

B.) Social Support 

C.) Personality Factors 

D.) All of the above

What is D, all of the above.


When you're anxious, all your other senses are diminished.

What is false; adrenaline starts running and your senses become more alert.


Give four examples of things that can make you anxious.

What is; examples: moving, school, family, friends, laundry, picking out clothes, and not having personal space.


Name two different things you can do about anxiety.

What is counselling, medications, support groups, and different types of self-help etc.


Anxiety can be caused by?

A.) Genetics.

B.) Brain chemistry.

C.) Life events.

D.) Personality.

E.) A & B

F.) All of the above.

What is F, Anxiety can be caused by genetics, brain chemistry, life events, and personality.


True or False - Some type of anxiety is healthy?

What is true, some anxiety from time to time is normal and healthy; it can help motivate us and help get us out of tough situations.


What are physical symptoms you experience when you feel anxious about anything that causes you anxiety?

What is; examples: jitters, stomach pain, headache, butterflies, jumpiness, nausea, digestive trouble, insomnia, other sleep issues (waking up frequently, for example), weakness, fatigue, rapid breathing, shortness of breath, pounding heart, increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, shaking, muscle tension, and muscle pain.


Does lack of social support increase or decrease someone's risk for developing an anxiety disorder?

What is increase, people with this lack of support are more likely to develop anxiety disorder.


You may have an anxiety disorder if?

A.)It lasts for days.

B.)It develops into a constant feeling of itchiness.

C.)It begins to affect your everyday life.

D.)All of the above 

What is C, when anxiety lasts for weeks or months, develops into a constant sense of dread or begins to affect your everyday life, you may have an anxiety disorder.


Give an example of a challenge in each internal, external, real, and imagined flight-or-flight response.

What is; (answer may very)