Coping Skills
Define & Give an Example

Anxiety can manifest in these 2 ways.

Cognitions/thoughts and somatically (body anxiety)


Describe 3 different breathing techniques.

Deep breathing, square breathing, 4-7-8 breathing, alternate nostril breathing...


Describe intrusive rumination.

Intrusive rumination involves unintentional and often uncontrollable thoughts related to a stressful event. With intrusive rumination, no matter how much a person wants to stop thinking about a specific event, it can feel very difficult to do so.


Who was able to pick up Thor’s hammer in Endgame?

Captain America


True or False, anxiety can be healthy. Explain.

True! Anxiety is a critical survival instinct that serves to protect us from potential harm. It can help motivate us to take action. However, it can become unhealthy when anxiety is constant, overwhelming, and interferes with with daily life.


This type of skill involves becoming aware of what's happening in the present moment, both inside of your body and in the world around you, without judgement. Give an example of how to use it for a bonus.



What is radical acceptance? Give an example of how to use it.

It is the process of letting go what we can't control and embracing a willingness to notice and accept things just as they are, without judgment.  It involves accepting emotions, thoughts and circumstances that are unchangeable and out of your control. 


Describe reflection rumination.

Reflection is the intentional inward examination of why a person feels the way they do. It is often used as a way for individuals to grasp why things are how they are and try to find a solution to their problems.


First US president

George Washington


Share an example of how you experience somatic/body anxiety symptoms.

Points if each group member shares.


What's the difference between healthy vs. unhealthy coping skills?

Healthy coping skills involve facing and processing difficult emotions, seeking resolutions to problems, and actively working towards personal growth. Unhealthy coping skills tend to avoid or suppress underlying issues, providing temporary relief without addressing the root causes.


Explain the STOP skill and give an example of how to use it.

The STOP skill stands for stop, take a step back, observe, and proceed mindfully. This is a skill to use when your emotions are in control and acting on them won't be beneficial to you in the short and or long term.

Describe brooding rumination. 

This type of rumination is described as passive thinking about one’s mood or current situation. With brooding, the individual is looks at themselves in a negative way and thinks about the things they have done wrong.


What's the most popular game on Roblox?

Brookhaven RP


Share an example of how you experience cognitive anxiety symptoms.

Points if each group member shares


What is self-soothing? Bonus points if each group member describes how they use these skills to cope with anxiety.

Comforting yourself through your 5 sense (sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste)


Describe the TIPP skill and give an example of how to use it.

This skill is all about changing your body's chemistry! TIPP stands for – Temperature –Intense Exercise (mindful movement) –Paced breathing and – Paired muscle relaxation. These are skills to use in times of crisis or high emotional states like when you feel overwhelmed and your emotions are going to consume you. 


Describe deliberate rumination.

With deliberate rumination, a person is actively thinking about a situation so that they can understand it from every side. The individual may be trying to “get to the bottom of it” and try to make sense of everything that is happening so that they can feel that they have come to a conclusion.


What are the emotions in Inside Out? Bonus points for naming the new emotions.

Joy, fear, sadness, anger, disgust. New: anxiety, envy, embarrassment 


Describe or draw the vicious cycle of anxiety

Experience anxiety --> Increased scanning for danger, physical symptoms intensify, attention narrows and shifts to self --> escape or avoidance to try to reduce anxiety or prevent what you think might happen --> this leads to reducing anxiety and short-term relief --> but in the long-term, this leads to an increase in the physical symptoms of anxiety, more worry, loss of confidence about coping, and increased use of safety behaviors


Describe an anxiety coping skill you use that hasn't been discussed yet. 

Points if each group member shares


Define opposite action and give an example of how to use it. 

Opposite action is all about getting your needs met in a healthy way. Using this skill involves choosing to do exactly the opposite of what your emotions tell you to do For example, when we are fearful, we may feel the urge to avoid or escape the source of that anxiety when actually what's best for us is facing that fear. (i.e. choosing to eat a fear food despite feeling afraid)


Describe 2 skills to use to stop ruminating.

2 minute distraction, journaling, other coping skills...


What was the original purpose of the tiny pocket in jeans?

To store pocket watches.