Contributing Factors
Possible Issues/ Areas for Improvement

How much more likely is a Latina American then their male counterpart to develop an anxiety disorder?

They are 3x more likely then a Latino.


What are a few contributing factors for the development of anxiety disorders?

The family structure, immigration status, and cultural beliefs.


Does it impact males differently than females?

Anxiety has a stronger impact on females as compared to males


What intervention is most used for anxiety?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most frequently used for anxiety.


How likely is a person to seek medical attention?

Only 20% of Latinas who experience psychological symptoms talk to a medical doctor.


What is a specific anxiety disorder can a Latina develop?

General anxiety disorder


What is the cultural view about sharing emotions?

Reluctance to speak about it due to cultural beliefs about emotions


What could be some ways that it impacts adolescents differently?

Adolescents are more likely to be in the home with their parents so they may not have access to health insurance if their parents also do not.


What can be addressed by using Cognitive Behavior Therapy?

CBT helps to address the negative way we look at situations by examining our negative thoughts then looking at the negative behaviors that contribute to anxiety.


Of the 20% that seek medical treatment, how many seek help from a mental health profession?

Only 10% talk to a mental health professional. Talking about emotions is not a common part of the culture


While they have a higher chance to develop anxiety, what are Latinas reluctant about?

They are reluctant to ask for help.


What is the cultural view of mental health?

Latinos can be taught that mental health is something that they should be ashamed of.


How do friends impact the symptoms and stressors?

Friend support can protect against psychological stress since latin families may not understand mental illness.


What does CBT strive to do?

CBT works by identifying the negative thought, challenging it, then replacing it with a more positive thought.


What are some reasons of why so few seek help?

Talking about emotions is not a common part of the culture

Many have inflexible employment schedules and may have difficulty grasping concepts due to low education levels.


If these anxiety symptoms go untreated, what are some long term risks?

Suicidal attempts are more likely.

They have constant struggle with anxiety.


What can limit their access to services?

They also experience a great deal of limitation in services due to immigration status, lack of insurance, and misdiagnosis


What is a major difference about being an adult?

Young adults, even if living at home may have the freedom to leave and be with friends


How can a change of thought change a perspective and outlook on a person's situation?

CBT seeks to change perception of certain situations. 

Changing the way we think can change the way we feel


What are some possible improvements to interventions?

When women were offered transportation and child care they were more likely to attend CBT sessions.

Group CBT (GCBT) is more likely to be effective among the hispanic population since it reduces stigma which can be high regarding mental health in the Latino population.

Providing education to the whole family regarding mental health promotes more familial well being and increases the likelihood that the family can the rely on each other regarding stress and anxiety