Coping Skils
Random Facts

Having feelings of anxiety are normal. Yes or No?



Sleep is a positive coping skill? Yes or No?

No, sleep is a negative coping skill. 

Extra points if you can tell me why?


A friend recently made you made with a choice they made. You feel like they are wrong and you are right, so you choose not to talk to them until they apologize. Is this healthy or unhealthy? Why?

Unhealthy. Extra points given to the team with the best answer. 



A feeling of unease, such as worry or fear.


What was Google's original name?

A. Find-it
B. Know-it
C. Backrub



What are two signs of anxiety?

  • Feeling restless, wound-up, or on-edge.
  • Being easily fatigued.
  • Having difficulty concentrating.
  • Being irritable.
  • Having headaches, muscle aches, stomachaches, or unexplained pains.
  • Difficulty controlling feelings of worry.
  • Having sleep problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep.

I can use the same coping skill for every negative scenario that occurs? True or False?


Extra points if you can tell me why?


You have a test coming up and are feeling stressed about being "smart" enough to pass. What healthy coping strategy can you use?

Talk with a friend - quiz each other on the test subject.


What is a coping skill? Why do we need to use them?

A coping skills is: Things you can say or do to help manage difficult events, emotions, or stress. 

We need to use them to: Self-regulate and to understand what causes our bodies stress/anxiety. 


What animal cannot jump?

A. Zebra
B. Elephant
C. Hippo



What are three ways our bodies respond to anxiety?

Difficulty breathing
Tense muscles
Rapid heartbeat
Pain/bloating in your abdomen.


Name 3 positive coping skills to use when feeling anxious?

100 points per coping skill (up to three). 


Your parents ground you for having a D in Science. You tell them that it is not fair and slam your door. 

- Why is this a negative way to handle the situation

- How can you respond with a positive coping skill?

100 points for correct responses for 1. 

200 points for correct responses for 2. 


Self-Care (extra points for examples)

Making sure we can take care of ourselves and our needs to help us best manage stress in our lives.


What is the only mammal that can fly?

A. Squirrel
B. Bat
C. Butterfly 

Bat! Butterflies are insects not mammals. 


What are three things we can do everyday to lessen our anxiety?

Eat every meal
Sleep 8 or more hours
Drink plenty of water 


Name four negative coping skills and why they are negative. 

100 points for each correct response. 


You and your friends planned a weekend trip that you have been looking forward to. It is Thursday and you woke up sick and had to stay home from school. Your parents tell you that you are not able to go on this trip. Name a positive coping skill you can use in this situation.

400 points for the team(s) that provide positive coping skills. 



How you view yourself in a positive way. 


What is the deadliest insect?

A. Botfly
B. Mosquito
C. Hornets

Mosquito! killing an estimated 750,000 to 1 million humans yearly. With up to 110 trillion mosquitoes on the planet, the insects can carry lethal diseases like malaria, dengue fever, West Nile virus and Zika virus


GROUP DISCUSSION: Talk as a group and share something that you have learned and how you will use it in your (daily) life. 

Groups share and get points based on their answers:

100: Answering

200: Sharing something that they have learned

300: Sharing something that is a coping skill

400: Sharing something that is a coping skill and how they use it in their lives.

500: Sharing something that they have learned, coping skills, how they use it, and why they need to use it. 


What are three things we can do when feeling overwhelmed?

500 points given to the team(s) that provide three positive coping skills. 


Share at time when you felt anxious, what coping skills did you use? Is it a negative or positive coping skill?

100 points for each person who shares different answers (up to 500 points)


Negative coping skills. Name a time when you used a negative coping skill and what positive one you could have used. 

100 points for each person who shares a different response. 


How many bones are in the human body?

A. 105
B. 206
C. 257
