What is Anxiety?
Multiple Choice
Anxiety Disorders
True or False
The Truth About Anxiety
Anxiety is our body’s response to ______ and _______.
What is stress and danger.

Where can anxiety come from? a) Trauma b) Phobias c) Genetics d) All of the above

What is D, all of the above.

What anxiety disorder is it when a person has panic attacks and is afraid of having more panic attacks. A panic attack is a sudden, unexpected rush of intense anxiety symptoms that can last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes.
What is Panic disorder, but not everyone who has panic attacks has panic disorder.
When we are faced with a threatening event, our bodies give us a surge of adrenaline.
What is true; When faced with a threatening event such as a physical attack or a natural disaster, most people feel anxiety or fear. Our bodies give us a surge of adrenaline and our instincts take over. This gives us the strength we need to get out of the situation and survive.
Does lack of social support increase or decrease someone's risk for developing an anxiety disorder?
What is increase, people with this lack of support are more likely to develop anxiety disorder.
What is the difference between an anxiety disorder and stress?
What is: The difference is that in an anxiety disorder, the symptoms are extreme and don’t go away once the stress is over.
Which of the following are healthy things you can do about anxiety? a)Exercise b)Drink (alcohol) c)Keep it to yourself d)Talking to your doctor
What is a & d, there are some things you can do on your own to help keep you feeling better. Regular exercise, eating well, managing stress, spending time with friends and family, spirituality, and monitoring your use of alcohol and other drugs can help keep anxiety from getting worse or coming back. Talking to your doctor, asking questions, and feeling in charge of your own health are also very important. Always talk to your doctor about what you’re doing on your own.
What anxiety disorder is it when someone is a part of, or witnesses one or more traumatic events. Which can cause harm to their mental health, including symptoms such as nightmares and flashbacks.
What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); some examples of traumatic events are war, assault and other crimes, accidents and natural disasters. In addition to other symptoms, a person suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder can relive these events long after they’re over, through nightmares and flashbacks.
Anxiety disorders are the same thing as problems with stress
What is false; Anxiety and stress problems can have a lot in common. The difference is that in an anxiety disorder, the symptoms are extreme and don’t go away once the stress is over.
Name two different things you can do about anxiety.
What is counselling, medications, support groups, and different types of self-help etc.
Name at least two different types of anxiety disorders.
What is: generalized anxiety disorder; Panic disorder; Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Social anxiety disorder; Separation anxiety; Specific phobias; Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
What influences can out you at greater risk of developing anxiety disorder? a) Gender b) Social Support c) Personality Factors d) All of the above
What is D, all of the above.
What anxiety disorder is it when a person is terrified of social settings because they feel other people are judging them and they fear they’ll embarrass themselves.
What is Social anxiety. This is also known as social phobia.
OCD is when a person experiences extreme or unreasonable terror when confronted with a certain object, situation or activity. This terror can lead to a strong need to avoid that object or situation.
What is false; this would be specific phobias. OCD is when a person has recurring, unpleasant thoughts (these are called obsessions), like thinking their hands are always dirty. As a result, they may develop repetitive and time-consuming behaviours to try and reduce anxiety or distress (these are called compulsions), like washing their hands hundreds of times a day.
Are phobias considered a type of anxiety disorder?
What is yes, when a person experiences extreme or unreasonable terror when confronted with a certain object, situation or activity. This terror can lead to a strong need to avoid that object or situation. The objects of phobias are diverse and can include fear of dogs, flying, enclosed spaces, water, and blood. Which is referred to as a specific phobia disorder.
Name 3 positive coping strategies for dealing with anxiety.
What is exercising, writing, self-care, etc.
Anxiety is the most common type of mental disorder affecting __% of Canada's population, in any given year. a)6% b)33% c)12% d)18%
What is c, 12%.
What anxiety disorder is it when a person has recurring, unpleasant thoughts, like thinking their hands are always dirty. As a result, they may develop repetitive and time-consuming behaviours to try and reduce anxiety or distress, like washing their hands hundreds of times a day.
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); when a person has recurring, unpleasant thoughts (these are called obsessions), like thinking their hands are always dirty. As a result, they may develop repetitive and time-consuming behaviours to try and reduce anxiety or distress (these are called compulsions), like washing their hands hundreds of times a day.
Anxiety is not heritable/genetic.
What is false; anxiety can be passed on genetically. If someone in your immediate or extended family has had problems with anxiety, then you may be more likely to develop an anxiety issue.
When does anxiety become a problem?
What is: when it stops you from doing everyday activities; when it goes off and there is no real danger; and when it happens frequently.
There are a number of things about who you are that can put you at greater risk of developing an anxiety disorder; name at least three.
What is: gender; age; personality factors; family history; social factors; occupation/occupational risk; and chronic illness.
You may have an anxiety disorder if? a)It lasts for days b)It develops into a constant feeling of itchiness c)It begins to affect your everyday life d)All of the above
What is c, when anxiety lasts for weeks or months, develops into a constant sense of dread or begins to affect your everyday life, you may have an anxiety disorder.
What anxiety disorder is it when someone has unusually high levels of anxiety and worry about aspects of daily life like health and well-being, finances, family or work.
What is generalized anxiety disorder.
When you're anxious, all your other senses are diminished.
What is false; adrenaline starts running and your senses become more alert.
Is any type of anxiety healthy?
What is yes, some anxiety from time to time is normal and healthy; it can help motivate us and help get us out of tough situations.