Verb - to be above other in authority; be in command
Arturo "Turo" for short
What did Ms. Pringle do that affected her students?
Changed their names to "American Names"
Adjective - quick-tempered and energetic
Noun - a plan for achieving a goal
Who encourages the main character to re-claim his real "Spanish" name.
Who is afraid of "tlacuaches" in the garbage can, and calls 911?
Mami - Arturos Mom
"Dios Mediante"
God Willing
Noun - a neighborhood where mostly Spanish speakers live.
Noun - an innate ability; knack
Who is "Huitlacoche" ? (Huitla) ?
The family cat (Named for black corn fungus)
Who is Abuelita speaking to, while crying in her room?
(She is speaking about "Arturo") She is speaking to her husbands picture / Arturos grandfather's ghost.
Dibs, not answering
Verb - to make into a powder by crushing, grinding, or pounding.
Adjective - feeling hopeless
Who is Leo Love?
The man that rescued Huitla (the cat) from his avocado tree. (and returned her to the family) "El Estimado"
Why is Rosa the saddest one in the family in chapter 2?
Because they lost their cat "Huitlacoche"
Noun - a display of spirit or expertise
Verb - to respond with anger
Arturo's older brother who started a band called "Mega Mango".
What is the thought that "Arturo" files away inside himself for later? "Maybe one day when... -- ---- --- -- --, -'-- ---- - ---- ----, ---."
"Maybe one day when no eyes are me, I'll have a true test, too."
(Speaking about how Leo Love did the right thing when no one was watching him.) Rescuing and caring for a cat even though he had allergies, and a fear of heights.
"El Estimado"
Esteemed One