"Jason, Have You Finished Your Project? Why don't you come over here and work on you project"
Chapter 21
Someone Who is Not a Nerotypical
Jeremy Is NOT a Neurotypical
What sport did Jason play and his dad coach?
"Jason You'll Never Believe This... I am going to go to The Storyboard conviction"
Rebecca OR PhoenixBird
"We're disappointed Jason. That's All' my mother is saying ' This hasn't happened all week Jay-Jay"
Chapter 10
Jason's Brother
Jason doesn't like art class because He does Not Like the teacher and the class is very loud
Why does Jason decide he doesn't want to go to the convention?
He's afraid Rebecca will see who he truly is.
How does Jason's story of Bennu end?
He does not end up getting the surgery and accepts who he is.
"Sorry Doc I [Bennu] change My Mind"
Chapter 32 OR The Last Chapter
Who Jason kicked
His cousin Seth
Rebecca smells like strawberries
At the end of the story, what does Rebecca turn out to want?
To exchange stories with Jason
Jane was Jason's
One on One
"I started Hearing The Word Autistic a lot after my diagnosis in third grade"
Chapter 28
Jason's friend in kindergarten, who stands up for him in the library?
Aaron Miller
Storyboard convention held in Connecticut
Hamilton says the most important part of the body for a writer is...
The Bottem
Jason's favorite class is
language arts
"I tell Aaron Miller I have a girlfriend. 'Hey that's Great,' he says to me."
Chapter 14
The dwarf in Jason's story
Jason's mother's weakness is that she loses her temper
False Her Weakness Is That she Gets lost easily
Play Rock, Paper, Scissors To See Who Gets the Points
Who Will Win
How does the ending of Bennu's story relate to Jason?
Jason accepts his differences, just like Bennu does in his story.