What should each progress note intervention include?
Who, Verb, What, How, Why, Resource
What must be done with the client within 7 days of starting services?
Safety Plan
What must be done on an initial home visit?
Guardian must sign initial ISP
True or False: You can see your client with no authorizations
False! So please submit your documents in EARLY, Not on time!
True or false: You can use "other" in location if option needed is not listed.
What is the max amount of hours you can spend with a client in 1 day?
4 hours
What does AOC stand for?
Adapt, Overcome, Conquer
What should you provide to the guardian every time you speak with them?
Community Resource
When should you submit a vacation time off request?
2 weeks prior
What is needed in the behavior function section?
Mood, Engagement to session, Oriented, Appearance, Speech, Affect, & SI, HI, Hallucinations
What is the Skills Training service code?
H2014 HA
In what city was AOC's newest office opened?
San Antonio
What is the Case Management service code?
T1017 HA TG
True or false: You are responsible for seeing your clients their full hours during holidays
What part of an intervention sentence is the term:
Role playing
What is the max amount of time you can see a client virtually per week?
2 hours
Who in our leadership department can swim?
Dominique, Leroy
True or False: You can bill two case management sessions for the same day with the guardian
False! You can only have case management once a day with guardian (Do not go over hours)
How long do you have to contact the guardian after a client is assigned to you?
48 hours
How long is one increment of billing time?
15 minutes
True or false: You can take a client to the bank as a skills training exercise
If you are in office and you are hungry. What can you do?
Buy Something from our AOC vending machine! Location? In the waiting area of AOC headquarters!
What can we not do with the guardians?
Lauris Calendar