Standard Drink
Social Norms
Signs & symptoms
Other Drugs

T/F: A standard drink refers to an individual’s beverage of choice.

What is a false statement? Standard Drink is a system used to compare different types of alcoholic beverages.


T/F: Research shows that people can sometimes act drunk even when they’ve been given a drink with no alcohol.

What is a True statement?


Shallow breathing, cold clammy skin, vomiting, lack of physical coordination, inability to stay conscious are all signs of what?

What are signs of Alcohol Poisoning?

Someone may not exhibit all of these signs, but still may be experiencing alcohol poisoning. You don’t know what else could be in someone’s system. If you recognize any of these signs, call 911 and stay by the person’s side. 


This is the recommended pace for drinking (# of drinks per hour) to lower the risk of alcohol poisoning

What is 1 drink per hour?


T/F: Cannabis products are legal for adult use (21 and over) in California, which mean you are allowed to possess and use while on campus.

What is a false statement? The university abides by Federal law (and receives federal funding as a state university) which means cannabis products are not permitted on university property. This also means medicinal cannabis products are prohibited.


T/F: BAC can continue to rise after you stop drinking

What is a true statement? Alcohol can take up to 20 minutes for absorption.


This activity, which people often perceive as safe, often leads to someone drinking more than they anticipated

What is participating in drinking games or pregaming?


Lowered inhibitions, talking too much, being overly friendly, and displaying mood swings are all signs of whats?

What are some behavioral cues or signs that an individual is intoxicated?


A proven method to maintain a steady pace over the course of an evening of drinking

What is alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks?


Factors that determine the effects a substance may have on an individual

  1. What is the way the substance is consumed (or enters the body?) 

  2. What is the dose or amount taken at one time? 

  3. What is weight, age, and health status of the individual? 

  4. What is the individual's mental or emotional health? 

  5. Whether the individual is using multiple substances at the same time.


This is considered a standard drink

What is any drink containing 14g of alcohol?

What is a 12 oz beer at 5%? 

What is 8 oz of malt liquor at 7%? 

What is 5 oz of wine at 12%? 

What is 1.5 oz of liquor at 40%?


Recovery or being “in recovery” consists of this

What is actively reducing use of or abstaining from alcohol, drugs, or any addictive or compulsive behaviors?


Due to the livers slow pace at metabolizing alcohol (blank) is considered to be the best way of sobering up.

What is time?

 Disclaimer: Drinkers may feel more alert after drinking coffee or taking a cold shower, but that doesn’t change a person’s BAC. Eating food does not soak up alcohol, despite the myth that eating carbs helps sober you up.


Food that is high in this slows the absorption of alcohol

What are foods high in protein?


A reliable source on how to safely use your medication (i.e. mixing with alcohol or safely driving)

Who is a pharmacist or doctor? (Both are readily available at SDSU Student Health Services)


This is the effect of mixing alcohol and carbonated mixers (soda, sparkling water, etc.) on BAC

What is alcohol is absorbed at a quicker rate when a carbonated mixer is involved?


This percentage represents the number of students who limit themselves to 4 or fewer drinks or don’t drink at all when they party

What is more than 75%? (Statistic from the National College Health Assessment)


Problem solving skills and undivided attention are typically the first things to go in this situation

What are the cognitive impacts of alcohol use? (the ability to attend to multiple things at once, such as with tasks associated with driving.)


T/F: Alcohol may negatively affect medication and/or substances when taken together

What is a True statement?


A synthetic opioid that can be very fatal in small doses. It has been found in cocaine, heroine, meth, and various counterfeit pressed pills (Xanax, Adderall, Oxycodone, etc.)

What is Fentanyl?

It’s an opioid that’s up to 50 times more potent than heroin. People have died from fentanyl overdose who never intended to use it.


How long does it take to have your BAC decrease by .015 (the equivalent of one standard drink)?

What is one hour?


This number represents the number of days per month the average SDSU student drinks alcohol

What is 2 or fewer days per months? (Statistic from National College Health Assessment)


Which four organs play a critical role in helping the body get rid of alcohol?

What are the liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin?


An individual who drives people to and from their destination safely while not using any substances or drinking alcohol.

What is a designated driver?


A life-saving medication used to stop or reverse overdoses from prescription opioids, heroin, and/or fentanyl

What is naloxone or Narcan?

Students can learn how to recognize the signs of an overdose, respond to a suspected opioid overdose, and how to successfully administer Narcan by attending SDSU’s Narcan Upstander Distribution Program. Email to schedule an appointment.