True or False
Prescription drug abuse
Closest Wins
More than 40% of students consumed 5 or more drinks in one sitting within that last 2 weeks (According to 2011 survey of SMC students)
What is False? More than 65% of students did not drink at all, 25% of students drank 5 drinks in one sitting 1-2 times, and only 8.8% of students drank 5 drinks in one sitting 3 or more times
12 oz of beer, 4 oz of wine, or 1 oz of 100-proof liquor.
What is a standard drink?
What is the active ingredient in marijuana?
A possible consequence of mixing certain prescription drugs such as valium, xanax, viocodin, and oxycontin with alcohol.
What is death?
What is the number college students (between the ages of 18 and 24) who each year who die from alcohol-related unintentional injuries?
What is 1,825?
If your friend is drunk and you are worried about their drinking, it is a good idea to talk to them about it right away.
What is False? If you are worried that a friend drinks too much, it is actually best to talk to them when they are sober.
People with this can drink more without feeling as many of the effects. They're not less drunk, but they FEEL less drunk.
What is tolerance?
Paranoia, anxiety (including panic attacks), and depressed mood
What are possible psychological effects of marijuana?
Valium and xanax
What are two types of "depressant" medications?
What is the number of college students each year who are assaulted by another student who has been drinking?
What is 696,000?
Over 80% of SMC females drank alcohol within the last 29 days
What is False? Although the perception is that 81.7% of females drank in the last 29 days, only 59.4% of females actually did drink over that time period
What is the legal limit in California?
Impaired depth perception
What is a possible consequence of marijuana use?
This street drug is similar to Oxycontin
What is heroin?
What is the number of college students each year who are the victims of alcohol-related sexual assault or rape?
What is 97,000?
Over 60% of SMC students have never smoked marijuana
What is True? Although the perception is that only 5.6% of SMC students have never smoked marijuana, the reality is that 62.7% of students at SMC have never smoked marijuana
This activity drastically increases your chances of contracting oral herpes.
What is beer pong?
Depression of the immune system and lowering of testosterone level
What are possible physical side effects of marijuana use?
A commonly used stimulant medication
What is Ritalin?
What is the Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) for someone under 21 to get a DUI?
What is 0.00?
If I think that I am drinking too much or doing too many drugs, and I talk about this with my counselor at CAPS, my counselor will have to bring this to the attention of SMC and my parents
What is False? Confidentiality ensures that by law, this information will not be shared with anyone other than you and your counselor
5+ drinks for men or 4+ drinks for women
What is a binge
Mouth, throat, and lung cancer
What are potential consequences of marijuana use?
Selling your Ritalin or Adderall to others on campus
What is illegal?
How many calories does 5 beers contain?
What is 770?