What is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide
The percent of emails sent daily that are spam
What is 97%
What physical measurement is technically defined as force divided by the area over which that force is being applied?
This value is, by definition, the smallest prime number.
What is the name of the Dog in the movie Up?
Number of bones in the human body
What is the difference between hardware and software?
What is hardware is physical and software is coded?
What structure notorious for its 3.97 degree tilt is the freestanding bell tower of a cathedral in its namesake Italian town?
Leaning Tower of Pisa
This value represents the sum of the first five prime numbers.
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 = 28
Where were the Olympics held in 1996?
What is brass made of?
Zinc and copper
When was the first computer created? (approx.)
What is between 1936-1938?
"Liber Abaci," or "Book of the Abacus" introduced Euro audiences to the golden ratio-like sequence of what Italian math dude?
True or False: Zero is an even number.
The number of hours an average cat sleeps per day?
What is 16-18 hours
What weather phenomenon causes more deaths in the U.S. annually than any other except lightning?
What is tornadoes?
What is the most commonly used programming language in the world?
IAEE is an international nonprofit that holds important conferences on seismic safety in design and keeps and updates the world list of member countries' seismic regulations. What does IAEE stand for?
International Association for Earthquake Engineering
This classification refers to any number that can not be expressed as a fraction with an integer in the numerator and an integer in the denominator.
Irrational Number
How many people have walked on the moon?
What is 12?
Where does gas exchange happen in the lungs?
What does Laser stand for?
What is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation?
Which type of bridge is characterized by two projecting beams or trusses that are joined in the center by a connecting member and are supported on piers and anchored by counterbalancing members?
Sixth largest country in the world by land area