On what date was Alpha Omicron Pi established (month, day, year)?
January 2nd, 1897
Name AOII’s international philanthropy
Name the fund that helps sisters, in dire need, with bills that are unrelated to Fraternity fees and housing.
Ruby Fund
All members recite all the Wardens’ Speeches during all Rituals except the Ritual for Initiation. True or False
Who is our president?
Angela Sutton
At which college was AOII founded?
Barnard College
What is AOII’s tagline?
Inspire Ambition
In addition to chapter specific scholarships, what are the scholarships awarded each year to qualified collegians and alumnae?
Diamond Jubilee Scholarship
What is a way to get involved as an AOII Alumnae?
Attend a Mentor Power Hour session Join an Alumnae Chapter/Life Loyal & Pay Alumnae Dues
Who is a sister you would go to if you needed some inspiring ideas for sisterhood activities?
Eriana Florentino
Name the founder who was an author of 17 books, owned an advertising agency and served as the first National President and AOII Historian for life.
Stella George Stern Perry
What are the four pillars of AOII?
Live, Learn, Lead, and Serve
What is the purpose of AOII Council?
To be the legislative body of AOII To meet at International Convention to conduct Fraternity business To meet at International Convention to elect the AOII Executive Board and the AOII Foundation Board
What is a way to get involved as an AOII Alumnae? pt.2
Become an Advisor for a collegiate chapter
Serve as an international volunteer such as Network Specialist or Director, Recruitment Ambassador, Training Ambassador, Ritual Education Ambassador, Board Member or Standing Committee Member
Who was the 2023-2024 NME?
Emily Dube
Name the founder who was a crusader for peace and human conditions, started the War Resisters League, and is the only Founder to have earned a Ph.D. and have her own Wikipedia page.
Jessie Wallace Hughan
Where is AOII’s International Headquarters located? (city and state)
Brentwood TN
Name the founder who graduated first in her class from New York University Law School and was the framer of AOII’s Constitution and Bylaws.
Helen St. Clair Mullan
How can you find out more about being an AOII Alumnae?
Ask an Advisor
Go to the Alumnae Opportunities section of the AOII website
Email the Assistant Director of Lifetime Engagement
Talking to a local alumnae chapter
In what years did AOII achieve greek organization of the year?
2023, 2024
Name the founder who was AOII National President during the Depression years and was the first International President as she pioneered expansion into Canada.
Elizabeth Heywood Wyman
What is the English translation for To Dragma (our Fraternity’s magazine)?
The Sheaf
There are multiple infinity symbols subtly intertwined in the Infinity Rose, recognizing the lifelong bond of friendship and membership in Alpha Omicron Pi. What do the Infinity Rose petals symbolize?
The Four Founders of AOII
The Four Principles in the Object of the Fraternity
The Four Pillars of the Fraternity: To Live, Learn, Lead and Serve
The Four Speeches and Symbols found in Ritual
What are some things AOII stands for and wants to represent?
(1.)fraternity (2.)love among its members; to stand at all times for (3.)character (4.)dignity (5.)scholarship and (6.)college (7.)loyalty
What does ritual mean to you? This is a very special and sacred part of our chapter and although you might not know or understand it there are a lot of values that should reflect the kind of people we want to be. Give me one of those reasons AOII stood out to you and continues to!!
open ended❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing and being open to answering something that might not be a direct answer