Research Pt 2
Studying the Brain
Brain Regions
Cortical Lobes
Define qualitative data. 

This is data that records the quality of something, and is non-numerical in nature.


What is phrenology?

Phrenology is the suedo-scientific idea that the shape of a person's head/skull determines factors about a person such as personality and intelligence. 


Which of the Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain is the first to develop?

The Hindbrain


Name the four cortical lobes.

The frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe.


What is Myelination?

The developmental process by which myelin is grown around a useful neuron. 


In regards to interpreting numerical data, name three measures of central tendancy. 

Options: mean, median, mode, standard deviation. 

Name and describe the two sides of the "mind-body problem". 

Monism, which states that the mind and body are one entity, and Dualism, which states that the mind and body are seperate but work together. 


Name the one main structure in the Midbrain.

The Recticular Formation


Name one key area within the Temporal Lobe

Either the primary auditory cortex OR Wernicke's Area.


What is the difference between developmental and adaptive plasticity?

While both types of plasticty involve changes to the brain in response to different stimuli, developmental plasticity is in response to growth and life experiences, and adaptive is in response to damage and trauma. 

What four things must be included in a hypothesis?

IV, DV, a directional prediction, and the sample. 

What is the difference between brain scanning techniques that are considered structural, compared to those that are functional. 

Structural brain scanning techniques only provide information on the structure of a person's brain. Functional techniques also provide information about activity in the brain such as blood flow, oxygen levels and neural activity. 


Name all three key structures in the forebrain.

The thalamus, hypothalamus and the cerebrum (cerebral cortex). 


Name two key functions of the pre-frontal cortex in the frontal lobe.

Options: Logic and reasoning, decision making, planning, personality, or other skills related to thinking, reasoning and feeling.


What dictates which neurons undergo synaptic pruning?

Neurons that are damaged or underused undergo synaptic pruning, the death of the synaptic connection. 


Diferentiate between Internal and External Validity.

Internal Validity is the extent to which the study actually measures what it claims to measure, and comes down to how well it is designed. External Validty is how generalisable the results are within a wider context.


In split-brain research, if an apple was presented to the right visual field of a subject, and the subject was asked to name what they saw, how would they respond?

They would be able to identify what they saw. This is because information in the right visual field is processded in the left hemisphere, this is here Brocca's area is, allowing a person to identify the name for the object.


Which brain structure regulates body temperature, hunger, thirst and maintains homeostasis?

The Hypothalamus.


What is a symptom that is likely to occur if a person suffers damage to the parietal lobe?

Guessing distance, puzzle solving, balance, numbness etc. 


Which two periods in a person's lifespan involve increases to developmental plasticity?

Childhood and adolesence.


What is the different between an extraneous variable and a confounding variable?

An extraneous variable is a variable that may have an effect on the DV, other than he IV. A confounding variable is a variable that, after the study, has had an influence on the DV, and is not the IV. 


What is the primary function of machine learning?

Both types of machine learning are mostly used to assist in diagnosis and detection of those most at risk of developing certain neurological disorders. 


Describe the function of the Thalamus

The thalamus plays an important role in filtering incoming sensory information, extracting important information, and relaying to the appropriate part of the brain for further analysis. 


What lobe of the brain is the largest in humans, when compared to other animals, and why? 

The frontal lobe, because it is mainly involved in complex mental functions and emotional intelligence. These are skills that are not as developed in other species. 


Name five structures/areas of a neuron, in the correct order based on the flow of information through a neuron.

Dendrites, Soma, Axon, Axon Terminals, Synapse.