Conflict Management
Decision Making
Sources and Data

What is an analogy?

An analogy is a comparison between two or more things


What is the difference between healthy conflict management and unhealthy conflict management?

Healthy conflict management is when the situation is positive and conflict is resolved. Unhealthy conflict management is when the situation is negative and the conflict is not resolved or takes much longer


What is a decision?

A decision is a choice that we make


What is the difference between reliable sources and unreliable sources? 

Reliable sources we can trust and unreliable sources we can not trust


Another word for conflict is ______.

Another word for conflict is problem.


What is a synonym?

A synonym means that things are similar


What does the conflict management skill collaborating mean? Give me one example.

collaborating is when you work together with others to reach a goal. One example is working on a group project or helping your friends make a cake.


Why is it important to make decisions? 

It is important to make decisions because they will help us make the right choices in difficult situations and solve problems


What does credible mean?

We can prove it


What does status quo bias mean? 

status quo bias is when you want things to stay the same and you never want them to change


What is an antonym?

An antonym means that things are opposite


What does the conflict management skill competing mean? Give me one example.

competing is when you work against someone to win something. One example is racing your friend at recess 


Van is playing video games in the living room. Van’s younger brother Jacob wants to watch TV and asks if he can watch Netflix. Van yells “No!’ and throws the controller towards Jacob. Jacob leaves the living room and goes to watch another TV. Was this situation healthy or unhealthy? 

This situation is unhealthy because Van is yelling at his brother


What is a primary source? Give me one example of a primary source.

A primary source is a first hand source (witness or experts) Ex-Pictures, letters, 


What is metacognition? 

Metacognition is thinking about you thinking


Car is to drive as bike is to _______

This is an example of a _____ because they are ______.

Car is to drive as bike is to ride

This is an example of a synonym because they are similar.


What does the conflict management skill accommodating mean? Give me one example.

Accommodating is when you give up something that you want to benefit someone else. One example is your sister drops her cooking so you give her yours


What is the difference between decision making and problem solving

decision making is when you make a choice about something and problem solving is when you are trying to find the solution to a problem


What is a secondary source? Give one example of a secondary source.

Secondary are second hand sources (they use evidence from the primary sources) Ex- encyclopedias, biographies, book reports


What is the difference between a logical reaction and an emotional reaction? Give an example of each

A logical reaction is when you stop and think (ex. remain calm and talk it out)

 An emotional reaction is when you do not think and respond with your emotions (ex. screaming or fighting because you're upset)


hot is to cold as over is to _______

This is an example of a _____ because they are ______.

hot is to cold as over is to under

This is an example of a antonym because they are opposites.


What does the conflict management skill compromising mean? Give me one example.

compromising means you come to a mutual agreement, you may split something in half, share, or divide up your time. One example is sharing takis with you cousins or going to the movies with friends for an hour then going to dinner with your parents for an hour


What is the difference between intended consequences and unintended consequences?

intended consequences are things we expect while  unintended consequences are thing we do not expect


What does corroboration mean? 



Name the 6 Problem Solving Steps

1. Identify the problem

2. Determine the Size

3. Generate multiple solutions

4. think of possible consequences

5. choose the best solution

6. analyze the outcome