AOTA Past Presidents
OT Devices
Government 101
Policy and Legislation Influencing OT
Orlando Trivia

This former AOTA President (1998–2001) and Vice-President (1994–1997) from Massachusetts who was the founding editor of the journal WORK is noted for her on-stage "twirl"

Who is Karen Jacobs?


This device, so loved by "OT-Rex" helps us when we have limited flexibility or shorter limbs/ stature

What is a Reacher?


This begins as an idea; a representative sponsors a bill, is assigned to a committee for study, and is put to a vote in the House and then in the Senate. Once Congress votes on the bill, it is sent to the President for approval or veto before it becomes a _____________

What is a law?


These programs were enacted in 1965 to provide hospital care, limited skilled nursing, and home health care for the elderly, poor, and disabled people.

What are Medicare and Medicaid


The number of theme parks in Walt Disney World

What is FOUR...  Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom


This former AOTA President (2016-2019) and AOTPAC Director from Michigan, is not "sheepish" in telling people about OT's Distinct Value

Who is Amy Lamb?


This device is sometimes used for people who have tremors who have a difficult time keeping food on their eating utensils

What is a swivel spoon/ spork?


At any given time, this upper chamber of the United States Congress contains nearly one-third of its members facing election or re-election. 

What is the US Senate who face elections every six years?


This 1975 law asserted that children with disabilities have the right to a free public education.

What is PL 94-142, or Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975?


This NBA franchise is located in Orlando

What is the Orlando Magic?


This former AOTA president from Missouri served terms in 1982-1983 and later 2004-2007 and is noted for enhancing the scientific basis of OT via major research projects and grants. 

Who is Carolyn Baum?


This t-shaped device is used for people who might not have motor control to drive their wheelchair or operate a game controller.

What is a joy stick?


A legislative proposal before Congress is assigned a number and a label according to which legislative body initiates the proposal. They are called:

What is an H.R.-House (of Representatives) Bill or a S-Senate Bill?


This 1986 amendment to an earlier law expanded services to preschool-aged children, to students with emotional disturbances, and to students needing assistive technology or accommodations needed for learning

What is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


Disney's Magic Kingdom opened this year, which was the same year that Apollo 15 launched

What is 1971


This 2007-2010 AOTA President was responsible for co-creating the Emerging Leadership Development Program and in developing OT Connections

Who is Penelope Moyers-Cleveland?


This device might be used to help a person with C-5 quadriplegia feed themself or do other tabletop activities.

What is a mobile arm support? We'll also accept What is a Deltoid aid?


This lower chamber of the United States Congress is comprised of a proportion of the US population equal to ________  votes.

What is 435? 


This Act made significant changes to providers to slow the growth in Medicare spending. Additionally, part of this act included the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) to encourage states to allow for coverage of low-income children above the Medicaid eligibility levels.

What is the Balanced Budget Act of 1997?


The school and mascot name of a large university in the Orlando area

What is the University of Central Florida Knights?


This man served as the first AOTA president when it was called the National Society for the Promotion of Occupational Therapy

Who is George Edward Barton?


This interface device is used to help people with C-4 or above quadriplegia drive their wheelchairs or to interface with a computer.

What is a sip-and-puff controller?


This legislative proposal addresses matters entirely within the prerogative of one house or the other. These items are sometimes used to express concern or condolences. It requires neither the approval of the other house nor the signature of the President, and it does not have the force of law. 

What is a Simple Resolution?


This CMS-based model of payment has 432 possible case-mix adjusted payment groups based on: admission source, timing, clinical groups, functional impairment, and co-morbidity

What is PDGM?


This Orlando area biblically-based attraction closed in 2021, after 20 years of operation

What is The Holy Land Experience?