Mr .Carter's Favorites

Ruler of Mali (r. 1312-1337). His extravagant pilgrimage through Egypt to Mecca in 1324-1325 established the empire's reputation for wealth in the Mediterranean world.

Mansa Musa


Large agricultural state on the lower Congo River; capital at Mbanza Kongo. Adopted Christianity and partnered in trade with Portugal, increasing the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Kongo Kingdom


A dispersion of people from their homeland



The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples from their homeland in what is now southern Nigeria or Cameroon to most of Africa, in a process that started ca. 3000 B.C.E. and continued for several millennia.

Bantu Migration


Mr. Carter missed one day of school earlier in the year . Why did he miss school?

To see his friends get engaged


Queen of Ndongo and Matamba from 1581-1663, she defined much of the history of seventeenth-century Angola. An adept diplomat, skillful negotiator and formidable tactician, she resisted Portugal's colonial designs tenaciously until her death in 1663. She paved the way for the next 100 plus years to be ruled by women in Matamba.

Queen Njinga of Ndongo-Matamba


These West African kingdoms, including Ghana, Mali and Songhai, flourished between about 500 and 1600 CE. They became important trading partners with Muslim and North African merchants after the domestication of the camel.

Sudanic Empires


The attempt to reconcile or blend the beliefs and practices of various religions into one.

Religious syncretism


These are the four syncretic religions we discussed

Voodoo, Vodun, Santeria, Candomble


This is the high school that Mr. Carter went to

What is Delcastle?


This strong queen used mystical powers and medicinal knowledge to help her song secure victory in the Kingdom of Benin. For this she was awarded the title of first "Queen Mother"

Queen Idia of Benin


A civilization to the south of Egypt in the Nile Valley, noted for the development of an alphabetic writing system and a major ironworking industry by 500 BCE

Nubia (also known as Kush/Cush)


This idea emphasis one of the key reasons why African American Studies (AP) is important

Dispel myths or stereotypes about Africa being a place with an undocumented or unknowable history. Or that African society is primitive or not complex


West Africa's earliest known culture; lived in what is now Nigeria; between 500 B.C. and A.D. 200; first people known to smelt iron; They also created terracotta statues.



Mr. Carter went to see a concert this month...Who was the artist?

Who is Anderson Paak?


Ruler of the Kingdom of Kongo in the first half of the 16th century--> reigned over the Kongo Empire from 1509 to late 1543

Nzinga Mbemba (Afonso I)


A stone-walled enclosure found in Southeast Africa. Have been associated with trade, farming, and mining.

Great Zimbabwe


This is why population centers emerged in the Sahel and the savannah grasslands of Africa

Water source, fertile land, ability to move people and goods from the north and the south.


These were the two islands that Portugal used to establish the model for the future slave economies in the new world

Cabo Verde and Sao Tome


This is Mr. Carter's  favorite topic of this unit

What is Religious Syncretism?


This was the King of the first Christian Kingdom in pre-colonial Africa

King Ezana


East African city-states that emerged in the 8th century CE from a blending of Bantu, Islamic, and other Indian Ocean trade elements

Swahili Coast


This city in the Mali Kingdom became a center of learning with its University.

What is Timbuktu?


A member of a class of traveling poets, musicians, and storytellers who maintain a tradition of oral history in parts of West Africa.



Name what Queen Njinga did during her meeting with the Portuguese Gov that made her stand out?

What is using her servant as a human chair?