literally a “high city”
In the High Classical period (ca. 450-400 BCE), this canon served as the template for the perfect statue.
What is Polykleitos' canon of proportions?
essential Roman building material
What is concrete?
Etruscan figural material of choice
What is terra cotta?
Once held in the hands of Hegeso in the Grave Stele of Hegeso.
What is a necklace?
a type of painting in which colors are added to hot wax to affix to the surface
What is encaustic
Instead of marble pediment statuary, the Etruscans used this form of statuary to decorate the roof.
What is terracotta statuary?
This term means superrealistic and was used for portraits of old men from distinguished families during the Republic.
What is veristic?
Etruscan Temples had three of these
What are cellas?
Detail used on the Seated Boxer for blood.
What is copper?
ancient Greek covered walkway having columns on one side and a wall on the other
What is a stoa?
Stance before contropasto
What is the archaic?
Alexander Mosaic from the house of the Faun features this technique used in perspective to create the illusion of an object receding strongly into the distance or background
What is foreshortening?
Location for Sarcophagus with Reclining Couple
Where is Cerveteri, Italy?
Besides a grave marker, Kraters were used for
What is mixing water and wine.
a building column that is shaped like a female figure
During this artistic period, sculptors explored new subjects- Gauls with strange mustaches and necklaces, impoverished old women- and treated traditional subjects in new ways- athletes with battered bodies and faces, and openly erotic goddesses.
What is the Hellenistic Period (Ancient Greece)?
The personification of the Danube River on a frieze was included in this Roman work.
What is the Column of Trajan?
an ancient burial mound; a barrow.
What is a TUMULUS?
Runs through the Agora.
What is the Panathenaic Way?
the upper story of a Greek temple
What is entablature?
In the High Classical period (ca. 450-400 BCE), this canon served as the template for the perfect statue.
What is Polykleitos' canon of proportions?
This style wall painting is recognized for its delicate linear fantasies sketched on monochromatic backgrounds.
What is the Third Style?
Roman architect who drew Etruscan temples. Da Vinci was a fan
Who is Vitruvius?
Architects of the Parthenon.
Who are Iktinos and Kallikrates?