Descent With Modification
Evolution of Populations
Speciation and drift

Inherited characteristic that increases an organism's chance of survival


Hardy-Weinberg principle
What is the frequencies of alleles and genes in a population's gene pool will remain constant over the course of generations.
a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed in nature and produce viable, fertile offspring.
What is a species
Phylogenetic trees
What is the diagram that uses systems of branches to describe evolutionary relationships
The five forces that can disrupt Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
What are: -mutations -natural selection -sexual selection -gene flow -genetic drift
Homologous structures
What are structures that originated from a common ancestor but are currently used for a variety of purposes. Example, flying bats and swimming whales.
Bottleneck effect
What is a sudden change in the environment, such as a fire or flood, that may drastically reduce the size of the population, resulting in decreased genetic variation in subsequent generations

When a new species arise with out geographic isolation

sympatric speciation


Create a phylogenic tree/ cladogram for the items you would typically find in a pencil pouch.

Answers will very.

The frequency of the dominant allele given that 91% of the population exhibit the dominant phenotype
What is .70
what were Darwin's 2 observations and 2 inferences that underpinned his theory of natural selection?
O1: Variation O2: Overpopulation I1: Individuals with traits better suited to the environment will survive & reproduce I2: Over time, adaptations will spread in the population

The five fingers of evolution

What are: Small population (genetic drift), non-random mating, mutations, gene flow, natural selection


What are the two types of genetic drift

bottle neck and founder effect

The two major types of evidence that are used to analyze species' evolutionary relationships and develop phylogenetic trees.
What are molecular (DNA, Amino Acids) or Morphological data
The percentage of this population who are heterozygous for the sickle cell trait, give that 9% of an African population is born with a severe form of sickle-cell anemia (ss)
What is 42%

2 pieces of evidence for the timeline and/or origination of early life on earth

What are: layers of rocks, Miller-Urey experiment.


Convincing scientific evidence now indicates that: 

a) evolution has occurred in the past but no longer is occurring 

b) evolution is now occurring, but it did not occur in the past 

c) evolution is occurring now

c) evolution is occurring now


When a population goes through a bottleneck,

a. genetic drift is likely to occur. 

b. mutation rates increase. 

c. extinction rates decrease. 

d. natural selection decreases in intensity.

a. genetic drift is likely to occur.

The best answer, given the following information: Ellis-van Creveld syndrome is a recessive genetic disorder that includes the characteristics of short stature and extra fingers or toes. In the general population, this syndrome occurs in approximately 1 in 150,000 live births. In a particular isolated population, however, the incidence of this syndrome among live births is 1 in 500. Assume that both the isolated population and the general population are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this syndrome. Which of the following best describes the difference between the frequency of the allele that causes the syndrome in the general population and the frequency of the allele in the isolated population? (A) The frequency of the Ellis-van Creveld allele is 0.002 in the isolated population and 0.0000066 in the general population, which suggests that selection for this trait is occurring in both populations. (B) The frequency of the Ellis-van Creveld allele is 0.0447 in the isolated population and 0.0026 in the general population, showing that the rate of genetic mutation is highest among individuals in the isolated population. (C) The frequency of the Ellis-van Creveld allele is 0.002 in the isolated population and 0.0000066 in the general population, which demonstrates gametic incompatibility between the populations. (D) The frequency of the Ellis-van Creveld allele is 0.0447 in the isolated population and 0.0026 in the general population, which suggests that genetic drift has occurred in the isolated population.
What is D

the change in the gene pool of a population over time



A graphical representation of the three ways in which natural selection can alter the distribution of a trait in a population.

What are: Directional, Stabilizing and Disruptive--with appropriate graphs.


What is the purpose of useing standard deviation with populations?

To show changes in a population from the average or mean.

The percent of the North American population that is homozygous dominant for the ability to taste PTC give the following information: Some people have the ability to taste a bitter chemical called phnelythiocarbamide (PTC). The ability to taste PTC is due to the presence of at least one dominant allele for the PTC taste gene. The incidence of non-tasters in the North American population is approximately 45%.
What is .09-.11