Prokaryote Gene Regulation
Eukaryote Gene Regulation
Stem Cells and Cloning
Tryptophan is in the system and stops transcription of tryptophan-synthesizing enzymes. This is repressible or inducible gene expression?
What is repressible
The addition of this chemical group causes chromatin to condense and for transcription to be reduced.
What is methyl groups
This is the term for when a cell develops a structure and function
What is differentiation
This is a type of stem cell with the greatest potential to differentiate
What is totipotent
Viruses are composed of these two things
What is nucleic acid and a protein coat (capsid)
This is what an operon is composed of
What is promoter, operator, and genes of interest
The addition of this chemical group causes chromatin to be opened up, and thus, increases the likelihood of transcription.
What is acetyl groups
This is the process that gives an organism its shape
What is morphogenesis
This is a type of stem cell that can differentiate into several types of cells
What is pluripotent
This is the type of virus that uses RNA as its nucleic acid
What is retrovirus
When lactose is in the system, lac genes are turned on in a prokaryote. Briefly describe how this happens.
Inducible transcription. Lactose is an inducer and changes the shape of the repressor which falls off of the operator. RNA polymerase is then able to transcribe the genes to produce the proteins used to digest lactose.
Inheritance of traits not directly based on a nucleotide sequence is known as this
What is epigenetics
RNA molecules, proteins, and organelles in an unfertilized egg are distributed unevenly. Together, these comprise this.
What is cytoplasmic determinants
This is one reason why clones do not always look alike
What is Barr body (X) inactivation
Retroviruses use this enzyme to produce viral DNA from RNA
What is reverse transcriptase
This is when several genes are "turned on or off" at the same time.
What is coordinately controlled
Non-coding DNA that serves as binding sites for transcription factors are known as these
What is control elements
This process is also known as "programmed cell death". Quickly explain its name and role in vertebrate development.
What is apoptosis. Digit differentiation.
These are cells that were originally differentiated cells that turned back into stem cells
What is induced pluripotent cells
This acts as a "mask" for a virus when it is in the host body. It has this over its capsid and can be completed by the use of glycoproteins
What is envelope
This is a protein that binds to DNA and stimulates transcription
What is an activator protein
Specific transcription factors can act as ______ or ______ and bind to these areas.
What is activators, repressors, enhancers (distal control elements)
This gene is essential for setting up the posterior and anterior ends of certain organisms. Mutations in such a gene can lead to an organism having two tails, for an example.
What is bicoid gene
This is one reason why stem cells are controversial
This is a viral reproductive cycle that usually is fast and ends with the death of the host cell
What is lytic