What is specific heat?
What is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.
Convert 234 calories to Joules.
What is 979 Joules
Predict the sign of entropy for the following process:
CO2(g) --> CO2(l)
What is negative, system is becoming more ordered
The conditions which lead to a process that is spontaneous at all temperatures?
negative enthalpy; positive entropy
The number of fantasy football leagues I am in this year.
What is 2
What is the SI (system international) unit for energy?
What is the Joule. (Not the vape)
How many joules of heat are lost by 3580 kg granite as it cools from 41.2oC to -12.9oC? (specific heat of granite is 0.790 J/g*oC)
What is 1.53 x 108 Joules.
The phase of matter which has the largest entropy?
What is gas; most disorder
Could a reaction be spontaneous with a negative value for enthalpy and a negative value for entropy? How?
Yes; if the temperature was low enough
The number of pairs of boots that I own.
Is it 5-10 pairs, 11-20 pairs, 21-30 pairs or 31-40 pairs?
What is 11-20 pairs.
This is the device used to measure the amount of energy released or absorbed during a chemical or physical process usually for aqueous solutions.
What is a calorimeter.
How much heat is absorbed by a 2000 kg granite boulder as energy from the sun causes its temperature to change from 10 to 29oC (specific heat of granite is 0.790 J/g*oC)
What is 30,000 kJ.
3.00 x 107 J
The system which has a more positive entropy value.
a. NaCl(s) in water
b. AlCl3(s) in water
What is b. AlCl3 (s) in water
Given enthalpy, entropy, and temperature data, calculate the ΔGsystem and determine whether the reaction is spontaneous or not.
ΔHsystem= 8.30 kJ, T= 273 K, ΔSsystem= -137 J/K
45,700 J
45.7 kJ
If you were to touch a flask inside of which an endothermic reaction was taking place, would it feel hot or cold? Explain.
Cold- endothermic reactions absorb energy from their surroundings, in this case, your hand, making them feel cold to the touch
This is the heat content of a system at constant pressure
What is enthalpy.
The mass of octane which must be burned in order to liberate 20,000 kJ of heat? delta Hcomb = -5471 kJ/mol
2 C8H18(l) + 25 O2(g) = 16 CO2 (g) + 18 H2O (g)
What is 417 g of octane
The sign of entropy for the reaction:
H2(g) + O2(g) --> 2H2O(l)
What is negative; two moles of gas yields one mole of liquid, gas has higher entropy
Could a reaction be spontaneous with a negative value for entropy and a positive value for enthalpy?
no- this will always be nonspontaneous (positive minus a negative will always be a positive number)
+-(-)= +
This is my dog's name.
Is it Lucy, Dusty, Stella, Bruno, Winston, or Cooper?
What is Stella.
In this type of chemical reaction or process, the potential energy of the reactants is greater than the potential energy of the products
What is exothermic; releases extra energy to the surroundings
The final temperature of 1280 g of water originally at 20.0oC, if it absorbs 47.6 kJ of heat?
What is 28.9oC
The sign of entropy for the following reaction:
4FeS(s) + 7O2(g) --> 2Fe2O3(s) + 4SO2(g)
What is negative- more moles of gas on reactants side than products side.
Given enthalpy, entropy, and temperature data, calculate the ΔGsystem and determine whether the reaction is spontaneous or not.
ΔHsystem= -456 kJ, T= 273 K, ΔSsystem= 1465 J/K
-856,000 J
-856 kJ
The year which I graduated from college?
Is it 1987, 1992, 1994, 2001, 1991 or 2005?
What is 1991.