Acids And
These gases vary from real gases at conditions of low temperature and high pressure.
What are Ideal gases? at low temperature and high pressure, the molecules are closer together and therefore the forces between molecules become more important as they are stronger.
This is the compound most likely to be ionic. KF CCl4 CO2 ICl CS2
What is KF? Bonds formed from elements with greater differences in electronegativity are most likely ionic in nature.
This is the specific heat of the metal when a 57 gram block of metal at 92C is dropped into a insulated flask containing approximately 45 grams of ice and 30 grams of water at 0C After the system had reached equilibrium it was determined that 9.5 grams of the ice had melted.
What is .60J/C/g
These acids are those which give up their protons easily and yield a weak conjugate base when reacting with water.
What are Strong Acids
This is what the phrase "like dissolves like'' refers to.
What is polarity and their solubility in eachother?
In a closed inflexible system, 7.0 mol CO2, 7.0 mol Ar, 7.0 mol N2, and 4.0 mol Ne are trapped, with a total pressure of 10.0 atm. This is the partial pressure exerted by the neon gas.
What is 1.6 atm? -The total number of moles is 25 hence the Ne is 4/25 of the total amount of gas and exerts 4/25 of the total pressure.
This is the predicted geometry shape of PH3 according to the VESPR theory.
What is Trigonal Pyramidal? It is the position of the nuclei upon which we base the shape of a molecule. From the Lewis structure, you can see an unshared pair of electrons on the P; it is the unshared pair which repels the bonded pairs between P and H down toward the corners of a tetrahedron. However the top pair does not contribute to the shape hence the geometry is a trigonal pyramid.
This is the driving force for a spontaneous process which readily occurs without intervention. Which measures molecular randomness or disorder.
What is entropy?
This is the pH of a solution where the [OH-] is 1.0 * 10^-5M
What is 9.0
This is the reason why the atomic mass for carbon given in the Periodic Table is 12.01 rather than 12.00.
What are isotopes?
Decreasing the temperature of an ideal gas from 80 degree Celsius to 40 degree Celsius will cause the average kinetic energy to increase or decrease by a factor of what.
What is decrease by less than a factor of two? 1.13 Be careful here to note the difference between the kinds of temperature scales and what they mean. Even though the Celsius temperatue is half as much the average kinetic energy is proportional to the Kelvin temperature. In this case the ratio is only 353/313 = 1.13
This is the type of bonding within a water molecule. (not the type of geometry)....polar....non polar....ionic.... covalent .....metallic ..... hydrogen
What is Polar covalent bonding?
This is the equation for the specific Heat.
What is Q=MCdeltaT
HA is a weak acid which is 4.0% dissociated at .100M. This is the Ka for this acid.
What is 0.00016
The concentration of IONS in 1.2 M aluminum nitrate solution is this.
What is 4.8M? Al(NO3)3 contains four ions per formula unit each mole of Al(NO3)3 contributes four moles of ions 1.2mol/L*4=4.8 mol of ions/L
The average speed of the molecules of a gas is proportional to this.
What is the square of the absolute temperature? In this case the question is about the average speed not the energy of the molecules.
In this bond the oxygen atom possess a partial positive charge. O-H O-F N-O O-C P-O
What is O-F? Since fluorine is the most electronegative element in the Periodic Table, the oxygen atom, when covalently bonded to the fluorine atom, will have a partial positive charge.
In this type of a reaction heat is given off and the change in enthalpy is negative. The temperature of the surroundings increase during this process.
What is Exothermic
this is the equation for figuring pH.
What is -log([H+])?
This is the equilibrium equation for the Ka of the acid HA.
What is ([H+][A-])/([HA])
A 5.0 L vessel contains 2.0 moles of helium and 3.0 moles of hydrogen at a pressure of 10 atm. Maintaining a constant temperature, an additional 3.0 moles of hydrogen are added. This is the partial pressure of hydrogen in the vessel at the end.
What is 12.0 atm? The initial partial pressure of the hydrogen is 10 atm * (3.0/5.0) = 6.0 atm. The amount of hydrogen present is doubled from 3.0 to 6.0 moles, there fore the partial pressure will increase proportionally to 12.0 atm.
This is the ELECTRON PAIR arrangement around the central atom in the molecule IF5.
What is octahedral?
This law states that enthalpy change, in going from a particular set of reactants to a particular set of products, is the same whether the reaction takes place in one step or in a series of steps. Enthalpy is a state function.
What is Hess's Law?
The Ka value of a Strong acid is very this.
What is large?
In the molecular Geometry shape of a Tetrahedral, this the measurement of the angle.
What is 109.5?