Write: Mid-Autumn Festival
What is 中秋節 (中秋节)
Say: I want to be an engineer.
What is 我要做工程师
Say: Buddhism and Taoism
What is 佛教,道教?
Read: 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。
Good luck!
Write: I am American.
What is 我是美国人
Draw: 我今天买了一双鞋子和一件衬衫
Draw shoes and a t-shirt
Translate: 医生,律师,学者,企业家
What is doctor, lawyer, scholar, and entrepreneur/enterpriser?
Draw: 蝴蝶
draw a butterfly.
Say: A relative afar is less use than a close neighbor (idiom)
What is 远亲不如近邻?
Write: I like to play tennis
Translate: 我想先打球再去图书馆.
What is: I'm thinking of going to the library after playing ball.
Translate: 我爱到夜市去买日用品
What is I love going to the night market to buy daily goods.
One of the four great Chinese novels, one of the main characters is the household name 孙悟空。
What is 西游记 Journey to the West?
春节的前夜叫什么? 农历正月十五是什么日子?
Draw: 我的狗爱吃蛋糕
Draw a dog eating cake
Say: Chinese New Year, Mid-Autumn Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day, and Dragon Boat Festival, write two of them.
What is 春节,中秋节,清明节,端午节
Write the first 6 zodiac animals in order.
What is 鼠,牛,虎,兔,龙,蛇
What does the phrase 车水马龙 mean?
heavy traffic
Do 太极:一个大西瓜,一刀切两半,一半给你,一半给他
Do the watermelon technique
Group sing a Chinese song and dance to it!
Good luck!