Your psychiatrist says
Chronic Conditions
Other disorders
Mood Disorders
Odds and Ends

This type of incentive could be used for persons with severe disorders to encourage them to make their beds every morning

What is token economy?


This type of therapy is only used in extreme cases of severe depression in patients.

What is electroconvulsive therapy?


Disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings.

What are dissociative?

An anxiety disorder marked by a persistent, irrational fear and avoidance of a specific object, activity, or situation.
What is phobia?

Mood disorder in which the person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania.

What is bipolar?


Disorder in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause.

What is somatoform?


Type of therapy used by a clinical psychologist who follows the ideas of Freud and seeks to help patients by analyzing their childhoods especially focusing on conflicts that existed between the child and parent.

What is psychoanalysis?


A negative symptom of schizophrenia

What is flat affect or catatonia?


Some people diagnosed with schizophrenia have abnormally high levels of this neurotransmitter.

What is dopamine?


In this disorder, you stress and worry that something is wrong with you, but have NO serious physical symptoms.

What is Illness Anxiety Disorder?


This has been called the "common cold" of psychological disorders.

What is depression?


A widely used system for classiying psychological disorders.

What is DSM-V


This is a benefit of group therapy over individual therapy

What is to see that others have similar problems?


If a psychiatrist prescribes a tranquilizer for a person who is incredibly nervous to fly, then this professional believes is this type of therapy.

What is biomedical therapy?


An example of this is believing you are a unicorn who could fly off the top floor and gracefully sail to the ground below.

What is a delusion?


If fear is intense enough, it may become THIS, which is the fear or avoidance of situations in which escape might be difficult or help unavailable when panic strikes.

What is agoraphobia?


The historically most common pharmaceuticals for treating this disorder are Lithium and Depakote.

Bipolar Disorder


This model explains the development of psychological disorders in terms of predispositions and exposure to significant events.

What is the diathesis stress model?


Noah told his teacher his homework wasn't done. He explained that first his dog ate his homework, then out of fear, his dog ran away. Noah spent the whole night looking for the dog, who had hid behind a cactus and was covered with stickers that then Noah had to spend the remaining morning hours removing. The teacher responded, "So what I hear you saying is you need more time for your homework, am I right?" 

What does this demonstrate?

What is active listening?

or Client-Centered Therapy

or Unconditional Positive Regard


In this disorder, the person believes they are the most important person in the world and are preoccupied with their own importance.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


This treatment approach is the most efficacious for schizophrenia

What is the biomedical approach (prescription anti-psychotics)

Neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty managing attention and executive function.

What is ADHD?


Depressed people tend to explain bad events in terms that are stable, global, and ________________.

What is internal?

or Self-inflicting


This is a type of behavior therapy where the patient is systematically desensitized to a specific trigger.

What is counter-conditioning?

or Exposure Therapy


Having a person with agoraphobia walking through a crowded street would be this kind of therapy.

What is Exposure Therapy.


This is psychosurgical procedure that was designed to calm uncontrollably emotional and violent patients, and was frequently inflicted upon schizophrenia patients.

What is a lobotomy?


Three positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Delusion, hallucination, paranoia, disorganized talking


Rates for this disorder, characterized by restrictive eating, increase for girls that play with Barbie dolls and in areas that consume more American media.

What is anorexia nervosa?

These 2 neurotransmitter systems play a role in mood disorders.
What are norepinephrine and serotonin?

In this treatment scenario, neither the patient nor the researcher/doctor know if the subject was given a medicine or a placebo.

What is double-blind procedure/study?


Susie chews on her hoodie strings. Her mother is seeking a way to stop this behavior, so she soaks the strings in Siracha sauce, knowing Susie is very sensitive to spices. Susie's mom is using this type of therapy.

What is aversion/aversive conditioning?


Used for mood disorders, SSRIs do this action to meet this neurotransmission goal.

What is block serotonin reuptake to make serotonin more available in the synapse so it bonds with receptor sites more frequently.


This is the most troubling and heavily researched personality disorder, characterized by a lack of empathy and superficial charm.

What is antisocial personality disorder?

Symptoms of THIS have been reported by survivors of accidents, disasters, and violent and sexual assaults.
What is PTSD?

This researcher worked with patients with depression to develop his therapy approach, and determined that this approach could help patients trapped in a negative cognitive triad. (2 parts: researcher and therapy technique)

Who is Beck and what is cognitive restructuring?


A patient with schizophrenia may be prescribed this type of medication, which works as an __________ on this specific neurotransmitter (3 parts: type of medication, how it works, on which neurotransmitter)

What is an antipsychotic, working as an antagonist for dopamine?