Problem Solving
Much like a computer, that uses these same terms, memory is really composed of these three concepts when it comes to using memory
What are encoding, storage, and retrieval?
A or I for example but also -ly, pre-, or -ed.
What is a morpheme?
The technique that might allow you to remember this 24 digit number: 177518121848186119181941.
What is chunking?
For Skinner, children begin to learn language because to this.
What is positive reinforcement (I guess operant conditioning would work too)?
Freudian defense mechanism that helps us protect our ego by blocking a specific memory.
What is repression?
According to Atkinson and Schiffrin, the process of making a memory goes through these different steps.
What are sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory? (You super smaht people might also include flashbulb memory and working memory)
Languages are composed of these three things.
What are phonemes, morphemes, and grammar?
A step-by-step process for solving problems that is guaranteed to solve a solvable problem.
What is an algorithm?
The stage that would see kids say things like: go-go, ga-ga, ma-ma, or da-da.
What is the babbling stage?
You lose your lock for your gym locker. When you get a new one, you constantly enter the old combo. You are likely suffering from this
What is proactive interference?
These are the things that we often process automatically process.
What time, space, frequency, and well learned material?
The fact that this is understandable is a testament to the idea we derive more information from these: The treth of thes stetement shed be evedent frem thes bref demenstretien.
What are consonant phonemes?
The ability to use a knife as a screwdriver means one is NOT encumbered by this.
What is functional fixedness?
The period where kids begin to be be able to identify speech and comprehend it.
What is the receptive language period?
Three different methods of problem solving.
What are algorithms, heuristics, and insight?
The neurological explanation for how we make memories is referred to as this. It tells us the more we use a memory the more that it creates neural pathways.
What is long term potentiation?
In Spanish the phrase casa blanca has the same meaning as the English phrase white house. The difference in world order is reflective of each language's difference in these.
What is syntax?
The specific shortcut that once made us believe that every PA announcement was a shelter in place or an evacuation.
What is the availability heuristic?
According to some theorists, this is the period where we are predisposed to learning a specific thing and are capable of mastering it.
What is a critical period?
This jeopardy asks you to use this method of retrieval.
What is recall?
Scientist most associated with the concept of the misinformation effect.
Who is Elizabeth Loftus?
The correct order, from largest to smallest number of (in English): sentences, morphemes, words, and phonemes
What is sentences, words, morphemes, phonemes?
The process by which similar information is presented in different ways but also gets different responses.
What is framing?
The concept that as we use language it influences who we are. That language helps determine ideas.
What is linguistic determination?
The world's most renown linguist who advocated for the roles or universal grammar and the existence of the language acquisition device.
Who is Noam Chomsky?