Plymouth and Massachusetts
Massachusetts Bay
Name that Colony!!

These are how the settlements like Jamestown were funded - with various men buying shares of the venture hoping to make a nice return on their profit

What was a joint stock company


Jamestown was settled in ______, in this current state.

What was 1607 in Virginia.


The settlers of Jamestown were seeking gold and silver.  The settlers of Plymouth were seeking something else.

What was religious freedom? (The pilgrims were separatist)


In 1630, 1000 Puritans, led by this man, established Boston.

Who was John Winthrop?


Established as a safe haven for Catholics. The colony's 1649 Act of Toleration granted religious freedom for all Christians.  Lord Baltimore, Cecil Calvert, ran this first propretiary colony 

What is Maryland?


These colonies were operated and run by joint-stock companies (with the King's approval, of course)

What were corporate colonies?


This man was responsible for making sure that the inhabitants of Jamestown survived, until he almost died and had to go back to England.

Who was John Smith?


Blown off course, the separatists (Pilgrims) were governed by this document, named after the ship they sailed on. 

What was the Mayflower Compact?


Between 1630 and 1640, 15,000 Puritans came to New England.  This migration is known as this.

What was the Great Migration?


The Duke of York successfully took over this region from when the Dutch Governor Peter Stuyvesant realized he was outgunned.  The Dutch were allowed to stay, but were forced to give up the name New Amsterdam.

What was new York?


These colonies were run by the British monarchy.  Before the revolution, all of the colonies were these types.

What were Royal Colonies?


This man finally made Jamestown prosperous, when he created a milder strain of tobacco . . . . and he also married Pocahontas (Lady Rebecca)

Who is John Rolfe?


The Mayflower Compact called for majority rules which helped create this type of direct democracy throughout all of New England?

What were Town Hall Meetings?


She was excommunicated for her belief in antinomianism- a belief that one could achieve salvation through good works. 

Who was Anne Hutchison?


It's main coastal city was named after King Charles II. Rice and indigo were huge cash crops in this colony.  

What was South Carolina (Charles Town . . . Charleston)?


These colonies were run by individuals who were given charters (by the monarchy).  Examples include Pennsylvania and Maryland

What were proprietary colonies?


In 1619, the first direct democracy in North America was created with this body (today it is known as the Virginia General Assembly).

What was the House of Burgesses?


This group of religious dissenters came from England  about 10 years

Who were the Puritans?


He was exiled because he believed a covenant community (a mix of religion and government) was not the best way to rule.  He also believed it was wrong to take so much land away from the Native Americans.

Who was Roger Williams?


This was created a safe haven for Quakers (Society of Friends . . . who were also the first abolitionist).  It's 1701 Charter of Liberties ensured religious freedom for all.  The region profited thanks to a huge sea port city and wheat farms.  Founded by William Penn.

What was Pennsylvania?


All of the colonies had these types of governments . . . something most Europeans had never been a part of.

What were democracies (indirect and also direct, in New England with their Town Hall Meetings?


Also in 1619, for the first time, these people came to the shores of  North America, arriving in modern day Hampton, Virginia.

Who were Africans (African Americans)


The Puritans would create this settlement, north of the Plymouth Colony,

What was the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Created by Roger Williams, it was the only safe place for religious freedom in New England.

What was Rhode Island?


Created as a buffer against Spain's colonies and as a place for imprisoned debtors to get a second chance. It's first governor, James Oglethorpe, helped the colony flourish. 

What is Georgia?