This term refers to a system in which power is centralized in a national government, with little autonomy for regional governments.
What is a Unitary System?
In this type of democracy, citizens elect representatives who make laws on their behalf.
What is a Representative Democracy?
This economic system emphasizes state control over major industries while allowing some private enterprise.
What is a Mixed Economy?
This term refers to a group of people with a shared identity, culture, history, regardless of political boundaries.
The UK follows this type of system, where the executive is drawn from and accountable to the legislature.
What is a Parliamentary System?
In this type of system, power is divided between national and regional governments.
What is a Federal System?
This type of electoral systems awards legislative seats on the percentage of votes a party receives.
What is Proportional Representation?
This type of economy is driven by supply and demand with minimal government interference.
What is a Free Market economy?
This institution is responsible for creating and passing laws in most democratic systems.
What is the Legislature?
The current Russian political system is often described as this type of regime, combining authoritarianism with limited democratic elements.
What is a Hybrid Regime?
This term refers to a state's ability to govern itself without outside interference.
What is sovereignty?
A government in which citizens can only vote for one candidate or one party, as seen in China, is known as this.
What is a One-Party system?
In this economy, the government makes all production and distribution decisions.
What is a Command economy?
Organizations that operate independently from the government to promote citizens' interests are part of this.
What is Civil Society?
The ruling of China, which holds a monopoly on political power, is called this.
What is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)?
Max Weber identified three types of legitimacy: traditional, charismatic, and this on, which is based on established laws and procedures.
What is legal-rational legitimacy?
This type of regime combines elements of democracy and authoritarianism, often featuring elections that are not fully free or fair.
What is a Illiberal Democracy?
The process of reducing government intervention in the economy, such as privatization and deregulation, is known as this.
What is Economic Liberalization?
Citizens' belief that they can influence government and political affairs is know as this.
What is Political Efficacy?
Nigeria has a history of alternating between military rule and civilian democracy, making it an example of this type of democracy.
What is a Transitional Democracy?
A government in which a single leader or a small group holds power without constitutional limitations is known as this.
What is an Authoritarian Regime?
In a system where laws are applied equally to all, including government leaders, this principle is followed.
What is the Rule of Law?
These programs, often imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), require countries to implement economic reforms in exchange for financial aid.
What are Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)?
A society's collective attitudes, values, and beliefs about government and politics define this concept.
What is Political Culture?
Mexico is was dominated by this political party for most of the 20th century, despite holding regular elections.
What is the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)?