Binary Part II
Representing Images
Compressing Text

A binary number system has two digits, either a ___ or a ___.

What is a zero and a one?


When representing an image using 1 bit for each pixel, 0 and 1 represent these two colors (respectively). 

Black and white.


This is what we call image that is very pixelated and low quality.

What is compressed?


Compression is when you make a bunch of information this.

What is smaller?

When talking about the copyright and informational rights, IP means this.

What is intellectual property?


A ____ is a the smallest unit of computer language. Can be represented as either a 0 or a 1.

What is a bit?


Another way to see binary is as 0 = false and 1 = true. This statement is either 1 or 0.

What is 1?


With this type of compression, we lose some information.

Lossy compression.


When information is not lost, our compression is this.

What is lossless?

This is the framework of laws that intends to protect IPs and allow creators to take credit and distribute their IP in the way that is most fit for them.

What is copyright?


Specifically 8 zeros and ones put together.

What is a byte?


Binary is represented by zeros and ones, but in terms of a computer's hardware, it represent an electrical switch that is this:

What is on or off?

When representing an image in binary, if we use three bits for every pixel, these are the three colors (in order) that each binary digit represents.

What is red, green, and blue?


When representing text and replacing a set of characters with a symbol, we're doing this type of compression.

What is lossless compression?

This is the name of an organization that allows you to license intellectual property and allow parties to use it with certain restrictions and caveats.

What is Creative Commons?


This number is 1001 in decimal.

What is 9?


Binary is a base two number system, this other number system is the one you and I use on a day to day.

What is base 10?

This is the amount of digits assigned to each color when representing pixels with 6 bits.

What is 2?



1 = mah

2 = ma

3 = to 

4 = pa

5 = po

This means 323, 312, 5ta3, 5tah3

What is tomato, tomahto, potato, potahto?


Ameth takes a photo and publishes it online, but Tina takes it to Creative Commons and gets a license for it. This is the legitimate owner of the photo.

Who is Ameth?


Your computer uses 4 bits to represent decimal numbers (0, 1, 2, 3 and so on) in binary. This is the SMALLEST number for which an overflow error occur.

What is 16?


The largest binary number between 11000000 and 10100000.

What is 11000000?


When representing pixels, this byte corresponds to indigo (or a strong pink).

What is 101?


This is the acronym for the system that computers use when representing binary as text.

What is ASCII?


Lucy is completing a project as part of a science class using materials she found online. When she gets asked if she was using other people's IP without permission, she is protected under this.

What is fair use? (for educational purposes).