Computational Thinking
IDEs, Operating systems
CPU architecture

What is decomposition?

Breaking down a bigger problem into smaller subproblems


List at least 3 different things an operating system does.


Program/Hardware Interface

Resource Management

Memory Management

Device Management

File Management

Security Management

Error Detection and Recovery

Explain what the Fetch Execute Cycle is

The fetch-execute cycle is a computer's basic operation that involves the CPU repeatedly fetching, decoding, and executing instructions from memory


What data type is this?




What are proper naming conventions for making variables?

Using camelcase, making sure the variables are specific and clear enough to understand as well.


What is abstraction?

When a programmer simplifies a complex thing in order to make the programming process easier and more effective. 


List and describe 3 features of an IDE

Prettyprinting - The presentation of the code typed into an editor automatically has color-coded keywords, built-in function calls, comments, strings and the identifier in a function header. In addition, indentation is automatic (if using a language such as python).

Context-sensitive prompts: This feature displays hints of keywords and available identifiers that might be appropriate at the current insertion point of the code.

Dynamic syntax checks: When a line has been typed, some editors perform syntax checks and alert the programmer of any errors. 


What part of the CPU controls mathematical operations?

ALU, arithmetic logic unit


A variable called AAA is set to TRUE.

A variable called BBB is set to FALSE.

Another variable called count is set to 99.

What's the result of this expression?

(Count <= 99) AND (AAA OR BBB)


  • In the episode "Band Geeks," Squidward's rival, ____________ Fancyson, challenges him to perform at the Bubble Bowl, leading to Squidward's iconic moment when the band plays "Sweet Victory."



Explain what selection, sequence and iteration is

selection - conditionals

iteration - loop structures

sequence - top to bottom order of code


What's the difference between a compiler and interpreter?

Using a compiler makes it difficult to change or modify a code in the program. For programmers to make changes, it requires that they change the entire source code. This makes working with a compiler rigid. Interpreters offer more flexibility because they display errors line by line. This means that a programmer can easily detect and remove errors during the translation process.


What does the MDR do?

In CS, “The memory data register” (MDR) is part of a computer's central processing unit, also known as (CPU). MDR holds the information fetched from the main memory. It operates as a buffer between CPU and memory and facilitates efficient data transfer during particular operations and processing.


A variable called AAA is set to TRUE.

A variable called BBB is set to FALSE.

Another variable called count is set to 99.

What's the result of this expression?

(BBB AND Count > 50) OR NOT AAA



The only non ice pokemon used by lorelai



Describe the difference between lossless and lossy compression

Lossy reduces file size by permanently removing some of the original data. Lossless reduces file size by removing unnecessary metadata.


Provide an example of utility software within an OS.

Disk cleanup, uninstallers, disk defragmentation


What does the CIR do?

A CIR (Current Instruction Register) in a CPU temporarily stores the instruction that the processor is currently executing or decoding, essentially holding the instruction while it is being prepared for execution by the control unit; it acts as a holding area for the instruction before it is broken down and acted upon by the CPU.


What DATE function can you call to return a number that represents the index of a day of the week?

DAYINDEX function


What is the name of Mr.Krabs pet worm?

Mr. Doodles


What is the result?

MID("computerscience", 3, 4)



What is the difference between a desktop and mobile operating system?

A mobile operating system is designed for smaller touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets, prioritizing touch input and a simplified interface, while a desktop operating system is built for larger computers with mouse and keyboard input, allowing for more complex multitasking and features on a larger screen. 

Key differences:

Input method: Mobile OS relies heavily on touch gestures like swiping and tapping, while desktop OS uses mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts as primary interaction methods. 

Screen size optimization:Mobile OS is optimized for smaller screens with larger icons and simplified layouts, whereas desktop OS can handle larger displays with more detailed windows and layouts. 

Multitasking capabilities: Desktop OS usually offers more robust multitasking features due to larger screen space and dedicated input devices, while mobile OS often prioritizes single-task operations. 

Power management: Mobile OS is designed to manage battery life efficiently on portable devices, whereas desktop OS may not prioritize battery life as much. 


Explain how registers work within a CPU to process data.

In Computer Architecture, the Registers are very fast computer memory that is used to execute programs and operations efficiently. This is done by giving access to commonly used values, i.e., the values that are at the point of operation/execution at that time.


What is the data type that is similar to an object data type? Also, provide an example of it.

RECORD data type, answers may vary for explanation


What are the names of patrick's parents?

Herb and Margie