What is the internet?
Network of Networks
What are bits?
most basic unit of data
what is high-level language?
programming language with the highest level of abstraction
What is hardware?
components of the computer itself
What is the WWW?
What is copyright?
A legal right that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution
What is a logic gate?
A device performing boolean logic operation. For example, If/Else, and gates, or gates, etc.
What is the user interface?
The user interface is how the User interacts with a program, software, or application. The inputs of the software.
What is a database?
What is Data Privacy?
The protection of personal data from the public and those with malicious intent.
What is DMCA?
Delivery of computing services, including serves, storage, networking, software, databases, all over the internet.
what is the Octal Number System?
Base-8 number system, and uses the digits 0-7. Main advantage of using the system is that it is fewer digits than the decimal and hexadecimal number system
What is lossless compression?
Data compression allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed.
What is data security?
What are creative commons?
A set of licenses that allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators
A algorithm that repeat adjusts the connections (weights) between the nodes in the neural network
What is the positional number system?
System in which the placement of a digit in connection to its intrinsic value determines its actual meaning in a numeral string.
A standard data file format to represent geographical data
What is an open standard?
The open standard is a standard that is openly accessible and useable by the public. Anybody can participate in the development of whatever they are working on.
What is the TCP/IP?
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol
What is an Instruction register?
A part in the CPU that holds the instructions currently being executed or decoded.
What is even-pairing?
The process of pairing the objects in a group of in twos
What is cryptography?
The art and science of writing secret messages. 'secret writing'
What is Crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing is the practice of involving many users around the world to help contribute and obtain information and use the information to help get to the entire community's goal.