Mr. Gonzalez can be easily contacted through this email contact.
75% represents this letter grade in AP Chemistry
Mr. Gonzalez mains this character in Apex Legends
Loba Andrade
Mr. Gonzalez officially declared this Major, in which he completed and received a Bachelor's Degree in 2018.
Biochemistry B.S.
You will be able to experience a minimum of 16 of these types of lessons
Exams, Quizzes and Test account for this percentage of your grade
Mr. Gonzalez lives 90 seconds from this delicious fast food restaurant.
Although Mr. Gonzalez is a Science Teacher, he never made it past the first round of this Elementary School event
Science Fair
You will be spending 4 to 5 hours a week doing this course activity outside of the classroom.
Laboratory Exercises account for this percentage of your grade
Mr Gonzalez and NFL QB Derek Carr share this alma mater.
Fresno State
What is Mr. Gonzalez's most valuable thing to experience in school?
Discovering People, Socializing
This relationship between the relative quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound is heavily focused within AP Chemistry.
Late work receives this point deduction, up until 2 days past the due date.
This character is Mr. Gonzalez's favorite Star Wars Character
Mr. Gonzalez played football at SHS, but during the offseason, he competed in this Spring time sport.
Track and Field
This many of your labs must be guided inquiry (you direct yourself through the lab, not the teacher).
This reason is the main reason that labs are difficult to make up if you are absent.
duration of prep of timely sensitive chemicals
This is Mr. Gonzalez's favorite food
Torre de Mariscos, seafood tower
Mr. Gonzalez attended this school, in which the students "soar high above all others"
Sequoia Middle School