Drawing Class
Living Artists
Dead Artists
Drawing terms
Drawing terms con't

The new due date for our upcoming 2nd Project Redo.

November 3rd, Wednesday


This artist created the famous orange sculpture, "The Torch of Friendship" that's located in downtown San Antonio

Who is Sebastian?


(1400s) This artist was famous for not only his drawing skills, but for his engineering skills.  He analyzed and made multiple drawings on how things worked. 

Who is Leonardo de Vinci?


This type of line involves your pencil remaining on your paper throughout your entire drawing, not lifting from the paper once.

What is continuous contour?


The term "Sustained ____________" describes the process of making sketches, drawings, and photographing art-making processes.

What is "investigation"?


This artist uses black paper cut-outs of people portraying horrible events from slavery.

Who is Kara Walker?


This artist created the iconic "praying hands" drawing in year 1508.

Who is Albrecht Duer?


In a pencil drawing of a sphere, this is the lightest area where direct light hits the sphere.

What is highlight?


The total amount of artworks each student must have, including their experimental drawings and artworks.



This artist painted at least 6 different landscapes using famous Texas restaurants

Who is Michael Esparza


(early 1900s) This artist famously painted people and objects in strange distorted ways, using shapes and vibrant colors.

Who is Pablo Picasso?


These types of lines go up and down.

What are vertical lines?


A form of art where artists draw objects that are directly in front of them, often to practice technical drawing skills.

What is Still Life?


The term is used to describe looking up images, information, and anything related to your project.  Your 2nd project must include as much of this as possible.

What is research?


This artist has a form of autism, called Savant Syndrome, that allows him to draw places from memory.

Who is Stephen Wiltshire?


(1800s) This artist's last name is on our bulletin board in the hallway.  One of his famous paintings is "Starry Night."

Vincent Van Gogh


These types of lines outline the objects and everything within the object, without any shading.

What are contour lines?


This type of shading is when you make short, diagonal marks with your pencil, only going one direction.  

What is hatching?


The final collection of a student's best artworks by the end of the year.  

What is a portfolio?


These San Antonio artists are well-known locally for their murals, including the mural "FIESTA" near St. Mary's Street

Who are the Los Otros Murals?


(1900s)  This artist's drawings were intentionally confusing.  He drew stairways going in different directions with people walking up the stairs upside down and sideways.  

M. C. Escher


This technique is used to draw still life objects by using your pencil to measure the objects.  You have to lock your elbow and close one eye to use this method correctly.

What is sight-measuring?


These lines go from left to right, right to left (side to side).

What are horizontal lines?