Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5

What was the Renaissance a revival of?

Classic Literature 


List 2 ways Protestants changed church doctrine

salvation of faith alone, primacy of scripture, priesthood of all believers, predestination


What is typically a monarch's biggest threat to their power?

Elites (nobility or gentry)


What is a major difference between the start of the Renaissance and start of the Scientific Revolution?

Renaissance revives and adds on to the classics, SR questions/challenges them


One immediate cause of the French Revolution

Inflation/Shortage of bread, Royal Debt

Would a portrait of Jesus by Leonardo De Vinci be considered secular or non secular?



Why did Henry VIII leave the Catholic Church? Be specific

He wanted to divorce his wife because she could not have a male heir. Having a male heir confirms his legitimacy (Political) 


What historical development led to the development of the gentry in England and the Netherlands?

The Commercial Revolution


Explain how the Scientific Revolution could be a cause of the Enlightenment

Scientists discovered natural laws the govern the universe, so philosophes believe natural laws can govern human societies as well. 


Why was the third Estate so peeved at the Estates general?

Each estate got one vote although the third made up 97% of the pop


Give 3 effects of the printing press

Increase in literacy

increase in national identity 

Increase use in vernacular languages

dissemination of new ideas


The Catholic Reformation had three goals. Which goal did they NOT achieve?

Reunify Europe under Catholicism


What was the main outcome of the English Civil War?

End of the Monarchy/Creation of a Republic


How was Volataire's Criticism of the church different from Luther's?

Volataire's was secular while Luther's was non-secular


What was the difference in the political structure of the liberal phase vs the jacobin phase

Liberal had a constitutional monarchy while Jacobin was a republic


How would the development of New Monarchies contribute to the beginnings of European overseas exploration/expansion in the 15th and 16th centuries?

Need for more wealth to the centralized state gov


What is the big outcome from the Peace of Westphalia?

Wars in Europe were not longer solely fought over religion 


Make a case for why the Glorious Revolution was shaped by religious purposes.

Charles II tries to make England more Catholic, violating the Test Act


What was the motivation behind enlightened absolutism?

Political, give people rights, they dont stab you 


Explain the phrase: "The revolution devours its own children"

The revolution had killed/ scared off the monarchy and nobility so the only groups left they were attacking/ killing were those of the third estate


Explain one reason why birth rate is going to drop in the 17th and 18th centuries (be specific)

Men and women are delaying marriage (in response to environmental challenges, you want to be economically stable) 


How did the Protestant Reformation partially lead to the German Peasant Revolt?

Because they took priesthood of all believers and no hierarchy within the church to mean there should be no hierarchy within society. 


Why was the Glorious Revolution not considered a democratic revolution?

It only benefitted the elites


How did Poland's political structure lead to its downfall (the first time:()

Lack of a centralized power made it weak from surrounding powers. They came in and carved her up. Like a turkey. #RipPoland


What group did Napoleon primarily benefit? Give one reasons why.


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