Leader of the New Model Army during the English Civil War?
Oliver Cromwell
this king was beheaded and then had his head sewn back onto his body
King Charles I
You achieve a favorable balance of trade by ________ more than you _________
exporting; import
He established detailed manufacturing codes to improve the quality of French export goods
Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Before the Peace of Westphalia, most European wars were centered on ___________. After the Peace of Westphalia, war becomes centered on ______________. (100 for each)
Religion; Creating Economic and Political advantages
He was known as the "Merry Monarch"
This Netherlands-based company dominated world trade in the 17th and 18th centuries
The Dutch East India Company
was a creative mathematician of the first order, an important scientific thinker, and an original metaphysician.
René Descartes
(Daily Double - 200 for each) In countries with Absolutist Monarchies, the ______ power of the Nobility decreased. However, the _______ status of the Nobility stayed the the same.
POLITICAL power; SOCIAL status
(Daily Double) The land of the former Polish Empire is absorbed by these three European States (200 for each)
Austria, Russia, Prussia
After the Glorious Revolution, this Protestant, husband-and-wife, duo ruled England together (hint: a college is named after the two of them)
William and Mary
Because the Dutch did not participate in this War, they were able to direct their resources into Colonial and Economic development
The Thirty Years War
dominant religion in the Dutch Republic
This family ruled Russia for over 300 years
The War of Spanish Succession was fought over fear that these two European states would combine their colonial and domestic power
France and Spain
One reason the English Civil War failed to dethrone the Monarchy was due to the Parliamentarian faction having large number of members of this religious sect on their side. These members wanted to focus more on religious reforms than on political ones.
Phillip (Phillip V of Spain)
universally acknowledged as the “father of microbiology”.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek.
Louis XIV was nine years old when the nobles, driven by hatred of this prime minister rose against the crown in 1648.
Jules Cardinal Mazarin
The Habsburgs introduced a new type of infantry, known as the tercio, which was composed of _____, ________, and _________. (all three for points)
Pikemen, musketeers, arquebusiers
This document was created by Parliament at the end of the Glorious Revolution in 1689. It established Britain as a Constitutional Monarchy, and Parliament as the its sovereign ruler:
The Bill of Rights
In 1713 this ended the war of Spanish succession
Treaty of Utrecht
•The Seven Northern Dutch provinces signed this, creating a defensive alliance against the Spanish, but they were politically independent with no absolute ruler.
Union of Utrecht
To increase the control of the Church over the French population, he revoked the ________and replaced it with the ____________,
Edict of Nantes, Edict of Fontainebleau
William of Orange created the Grand Alliance (aka the League of Augsburg) with ______, _______, and the ____________ to check French expansion. (all three for credit)
England, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire