Leadup to the French Revolution
The French Revolution

The groups that comprised the 3 Estates. (I.e. First Estate-blah; Second Estate-blah)

What are the the First Estate-Clergy; Second Estate-Nobility; Third Estate-everybody else?


The main method of execution during the French Revolution (nicknamed the "National Razor")

What is the guillotine?


The "country" (region?) that Napoleon was from.

What is Corsica?


The country that Revolutionary France would declare war on fearing that it would attack France first.

What is Austria?


The main leader of the Radicals in French Revolution.

Who was Robespierre?


The Revolution that inspired the French Revolution. (Hint: Louis XVI ironically funded it)

What is the American Revolution?


The French king and queen that would be deposed and killed during the French Revolution.

Who are King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?


The economic alliance that Napoleon would form composed of European continental countries in opposition to British trade that would forbid European countries from trading with Britain.

What is the Continental System?


The invasion that would lead to the beginning of the end for Napoleon.

What is the Invasion of Russia?


The country/region where Napoleon would find ancient artifacts, grow more popular in France, and leave his army?

What is Egypt?


The governing/political body that many prominent members of the Third Estate form in order to represent the "common man" and have their demands heard in the Estates General.

What is the National Assembly?

The two main groups in the National Convention that ran the French Revolution (i.e. who was the radical group and who was the moderate group)

Who were the Jacobins (Radicals) and the Girondins (Moderates)?


The new type of constitution/code that Napoleon would write that would centralize the French rule of law and power structure.

What is the Civil Code/Code Napoleon?


Name two major battles/campaigns that Napoleon won.

What are the Battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Jena-Auerstadt, the Battle of Borodino, the Crossing of the Alps/the Invasion of Austria, etc.


The style of warfare Spaniards would use against the French that would prove to be very effective.

What is guerilla warfare?


Three causes of the financial crisis in France.

What are economic depression from 1778-89, loss of overseas colonies or markets, rise of grain prices, bad harvests in 1788-89, France borrowing too much money (interest), and/or nations refusing to lend money to France?


The period of the Revolution beginning after the execution of George Danton where executions would be at its highest point and Robespierre would worship Reason.

What is the Great Terror?


The rank that Napoleon would assign himself following his coup d'etat of the Directory?

What is First Consul?


The naval battle that would decisively defeat Napoleon's navy and would be a great British victory.

What is the Battle of Trafalgar?


Name two reasons many regions in France would rebel against the French Revolution in favor of the King.

What are Dechristianization, the military national draft, etc.


The philosophe whose ideas were especially influential in the rising desire for change in the French Government and the French Revolution.

Who is Rousseau?


The newspaper that advocated for murdering opponents of the Revolution and would radicalize many people.

What is "The Friend of the People" ("L'Ami de Peuple") by Jean Paul Marat?


The idea that would Napoleon spread across Europe that would eventually lead to his downfall.

What is Nationalism?


The battle between France and Britain that would be the last major battle of Napoleon's military career.

What is the Battle of Waterloo?


The government that would control France following the Thermidorian Reaction?

What is the Directory?