Dates and Numbers of the French Rev.
The French Rev. politics and religion
Influences outside of France at that time
French Rev. influences and currents of thought
Impacts of the French Rev.

14 July 1789

When was the prise de la Bastille?


The National Assembly swore not to disband until the creation of a new constitution

What was the Jeu de Paume court oath ?


Strongest contributor to the outbreak of the French Revolution

What was The Enlightenment?


French law put in place by Napoleon

What was the Code Napoleon? 


calendar created by the Committee of Public Safety to reinforce dechristianisation, had 10-day weeks, three-week months, in effect from 1792 until Napoleon removed it in 1805. It was designed so that Christians could not recognise when Sunday was. 

What was the Republican Calendar? 


August 26 1789

What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen?


National Assembly --> Committee of Public Safety --> Directory --> Consulate

What was the order of the ruling groups in France in the end of the 18th century? 


The Royal Navy

Who was the main maritime power at that time? 


Romanticism was characterised by an emphasis on emotion as a source of truth

Why was Romanticism seen as a challenge to Enlightenment thought?


Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy.

What was the Continental System? 


7 000 women marched to distribute the bread in the palace to the hungry and push the royals to come to Paris

What was the Women's march on Versailles ? 


The Jacobins split into the Girondins (moderate) and the Mountain (radical)

What is the difference between the Jacobins, Girondins and Mountain? 


Prussia (backed by France) fought Austria (backed by England)

What was the War of Austrian Succession? 


Compare Robespierre and Burke's views on traditional authority

Robespierre rejects traditional forms of authority, while Burke respects them


Established after the Reign of Terror / National Convention, five men acting as the executive branch of the country. They were incompetent and corrupt and only lasted for 4 years.

What was the Directory? 


Rise in conservatism and the Haitian Revolution

What were the two main reactions to the French Revolution?


Abolish monastic orders, confiscated Catholic lands, placed Church under state control, abolished tithe, bishops & priests now elected

What did the Civil Constituion of the Clergy (1790) accomplish? 


France lost territory to Britain who became the dominant European trading power

What were the results of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?


Rousseau emphasised the role of emotions in moral improvement

How did Rousseau contribute to the development of Romanticism? 


Government officials acted on their own in an effort to minimise the power of the church even more, churches were vandalised and closed

What did the dechristianisation effort of revolutionary France accomplish ? 


17 000

How many (official) executions took place during the Reign of Terror? 


Napoleon encouraged a national education system and a merit-based civil service as well as an issuance of a rationalised legal code  

How did Napoleon implement Enlightened principles in his rule?


Maria Theresa was recognised as ruler, Prussia got Silesia while France got debts

What did the Treaty of Aix la Chapelle (1748) accomplish ? 


Concordat of 1801

What was the French law put in place by Napoleon which promoted equality before the law, toleration of all religions, took away women's rights and outlawed trade unions and strikes? 


Opposition faced by the French revolution

Prussia, Austria, GB, Spain and Russia feared instability would reach their own country and spread rebellion. Thousands of exiled French nobles lobbied these governments for military intervention. Within France, a number of parties competed for power