Renaissance Art & Architecture
Renaissance Figures & Works
Religious Reformation & Conflict
Religious Movements & Revolts
Monarchs and Historical Figures

This style of painting was done rapidly on wet plaster and done extensively throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

What is fresco?


During this phase of the Renaissance (from 1490 to 1520), the center of the Renaissance moved from Florence to Rome. Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael came to prominence during this period.

What is the High Renaissance?


The act of selling church offices, roles, or sacred things.

What is simony?


Pioneered by one of the Reformation's greatest figures, this branch of Protestantism advocates for salvation by faith alone and recognizes only two sacraments: baptism and communion (but rejected transubstantiation).

What is Lutheranism?


The child of Henry VII and Anne Boleyn, this English Queen was the greatest Tudor, well-educated, and politically savvy. She used marriage as a diplomatic tool to build alliances in Europe, and a state in the US is named after her.

Who is Queen Elizabeth/the Virgin Queen?


Italian architect whose greatest work was the dome of the Florence Cathedral (completed 1436), the first dome completed in Western Europe since the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire.

Who is Filippo Brunelleschi?


This Italian Renaissance nobleman and philosopher wrote Oration on the Dignity of Man, a work with a positive, Platonic view of human potential.

Who is Giovanni Pico della Mirandola?


This Czech (then Bohemian) theologian (1369-1415) supported the authority of the Bible (not the Church), was horrified by clergy behavior, and led a revolt in Prague. He was later deemed a heretic and burned at the stake.

Who is Jan Hus?


This period during the 1500s saw radical religious sects develop, inspired by Luther's challenge to the Church. Prominent examples are Anabaptists and Antitrinitarians.

What is the Radical Reformation?


Lasting from c. 400-900 CE, this period/phrase coined by Petrarch denoted the perceived cultural decline following the collapse of the Roman world in the 5th century. 

What are the Dark Ages?


In this drawing/painting technique developed in the 1420s and used in Raphael's School of Athens, all elements within a painting converge at a single point in the distance.

What is single-point perspective?


The daughter of the physician to French King Charles V, this woman notably wrote The City of Ladies (1405), which countered the popular idea that women were inferior to men.

Who is Christine de Pisan?


This English philosopher (1329-84) questioned the Church's wealth, transubstantiation, penance, and indulgences. His followers, who read and interpreted the Bible themselves, were called Lollards.

Who is John Wycliffe?


This war (1546-7) was fought between Holy Roman Emperor Charles V's Catholic armies and Protestant princes in the Holy Roman Empire.

What is the Schmalkaldic War?


The daughter of Catherine of Aragon and wife of the fanatically Catholic Philip II of Spain, this woman attempted to bring England back to the Catholic Church. She burned hundreds of Protestants at the stake. 

Who is Mary I/Tudor/Bloody Mary?


Brought to its full potential by Leonardo da Vinci in the late 15th century, this drawing/painting technique contrasts light and dark to create 3D images.

What is chiaroscuro?


This period of English history from 1558 to 1603 saw considerable gains in literature, poetry, and drama. Notable artists include Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.

What is the Elizabethan Renaissance/Age?


This puzzling period from 1378 to 1417 saw 3 different popes all trying to excommunicate one another simultaneously.

What is the Great Schism?


This German Dominican friar was sent to preach of indulgences throughout Germany with the famous phrase "As soon as the gold in the basin rings, right then the soul to heaven springs."

Who is Johann Tetzel?


The first wife of King Henry VIII, this woman angered Henry by failing to produce a male heir, leading him to annul their marriage.

Who is Catherine of Aragon?


This old artistic practice sized figures in a composition in proportion to their spiritual significance.

What is hierarchical proportion/sealing?


This phase of Renaissance art began in the 1520s and saw distorted figures and confusing themes, reflecting the growing sense of crisis in the Italian world due to religious and political problems.

What is the Late Renaissance/Mannerism?


Much to the chagrin of the Catholic Church, the 1600s saw a rise in this religious movement originating in Germany that stressed Bible study and direct relationships between individuals and God.

What is Pietism?


This 1525 peasant uprising in Germany was caused by peasants' poor economic conditions and belief that Luther's call for a "priesthood of all believers" was socially egalitarian. Luther was horrified by the revolt and the distortion of his ideas.

What is the German Peasants' War/Revolt?


This group of young, wealthy Florentines, inspired by Cicero to do public good, served as diplomats, worked in chancellery offices, and learned ancient Greek (almost completely lost in Western Europe then).

Who are the civic humanists?