What type of thesis previews the main points that the author will talk about throughout the essay?
Where should you state your position in the essay?
Furthermore, similarly, besides, and in addition to are all examples of what?
Transition words
When are the two instances it is okay to use the first and second person?
quoting, personal experience for sake of an argument
What do you do with your thesis in the conclusion paragraph?
restate it
What is the first thing you must do before you start your introduction
Analyze the prompt
What must you do when using a source within your essay?
Cite it using the document number
After citing or providing evidence, what must be done?
This fallacy is when someone attacks the character of an individual in an attempt to make their claims look less believable.
Ad Hominem
What is the conclusions primary purpose?
restate the thesis and put the points and key ideas together.
What is the name of the thesis that includes a summary of a counterargument and incorporates a qualifying statement that precedes the writer’s opinion?
Counter-argument thesis/ qualifying thesis
Run on sentences can be hard to catch. Give one examples of when a complex sentence may change into a run on.
Comma splice, using conjunctions incorrectly
An argument that may sound convincing, but is based on faulty logic and must be avoided.
Logical Fallacy
This fallacy is used to simplify an argument to make it seem wrong.
straw man fallacy
A good conclusion can help give points in what scoring category?