A term used to describe flat cells.
What is squamous?
Used to carry oxygen and nutrients around the body, this fluid connective tissue contains red and white cells.
What is blood?
This facial region is so named because people often touch this area when deep in thought.
What is the mental region?
This largest bone in the body has it's head stuck in its acetabulum.
What is the femur?
You look surprised when this muscle elevates the eyebrows.
What is the frontalis (epicranius frontalis)?
A term used to describe box-shaped cells.
What is cuboid?
Cells of this tissue are called chondrocytes.
What is cartilage?
Along with the scapula, this small bone forms the pectoral girdle.
What is the clavicle?
Check out those abs! He must've been working out the ________ muscle.
What is the rectus abdominus?
Cells that are tall and skinny have this shape.
What is columnar?
Found in the outer ear and the epiglottis, this type of cartilage rebounds when moved.
What is elastic cartilage?
The heart and lungs reside in this cavity.
What is the thoracic cavity?
Forming one of only 2 pivot joints in the body, this bone rotates in a groove on the proximal ulna.
What is the radius?
Sit up straight! Use the minor and major versions of this back muscle to pull those shoulder blades back.
What is the rhomboids?
The lining of the ducts of glands typically have this type of epithelium.
What is simple cuboid?
Found in tendons and ligaments, this connective tissue is named for the arrangement of the collagen fibers in its matrix.
What is dense regular connective tissue?
This continuous body cavity houses the brain and spinal cord.
What is the dorsal body cavity?
Under the thumb!
What is the trapezium?
Row, row, row, your boat using this powerful antagonist of the pectoralis major.
What is the latissimus dorsi?
This tissue covers surfaces that are prone to friction.
What is stratified squamous epithelium.
Found in the spleen, the branching fibers of this connective tissue help hold organs together.
What is reticular connective tissue?
Ouch! You've fallen on the pointy part of your elbow! This is the _______ region.
What is olecranal?
What is the fibula?
What is the internal intercostal muscle?