Executive: Who and what party is our Governor
(Name, Party)
Mike Braun, Republican
Executive: What two positions control this branch at this level, name of the soon to be head of this branch, the party of the person, and who are the advisors.
President and Vice President, Donald Trump, Republican, The Cabinet
Judicial: Court Name
Allen County Superior Court
Judicial Branch Purpose
To Interpret Laws
Judicial: Court name?
Indiana Supreme Court
Judicial: Court Name, Name of the officals, and how are they elected?
Supreme Court, Justices, Nominated by the president and confirmed by the US Senates
Executive: Mayor and what Party
(Anton's Aunt)
Sharon Tucker Democrat
Executive Branch Purpose
To Enforce Laws
Legislative: Branch name, The bicameral houses, how many in each, and what party both are dominated by.
(Name, house, #, 2nd house, #, party)
Indiana General Assembly, IN House of Representatives 100, Indiana Senate 50, Republican.
Legislative: What is the branch called, the bicameral house names, how many is in each and how many Indiana has in both, and what party dominates both
(Branch name, House name + # + IN #, House 2 + # + IN #, Dominating party)
US Congress, US House of Representatives 435 | 9, US Senate 100 | 2, Republican
Legislative: What is our branch called, How many districts do we have, how many members, how many at large, and what party dominates our branch.
City Council, 6, 9 members, 3 at large, Republican
Legislative Branch Purpose
To write laws
Names of US Senators from Indiana, and What party both are from
(Senior Senator First)
Name of the person from the HOR who represents the 3rd congressional district(us) and what party they are from
Marlin Stutzman, Republican