The biggest foundational document
The U.S. Constitution
The Constitutional clause relevant in U.S. v. Lopez
The Commerce Clause
View of Democracy best summed up by the phrase "We the People!"
Direct Democracy
This Article sets up the Powers of the President
Article II
The five freedoms in the first amendment are:
Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, and Petition
Dueling Dual Foundational Documents
Federalist 10 and Brutus 1
Established Judicial Review
Marbury v. Madison
This academic sounding institution is a good example of Elite Democracy
Electoral College
Article 1 Section 8 sets up the _________ of Congress
Enumerated Powers
This amendment puts term limits on the Presidency
The first Foundational Document (chronologically).
The Declaration of Independence
Shaw v. Reno ruled this was unconstitutional
Racial Gerrymandering
Iron Triangles are a great example of this type of democracy
Pluralist Democracy
This clause sets up the implied powers of Congress
Necessary and Proper Clause (or Elastic Clause)
Contains the Equal Protection Clause
14th Amendment
Defines and describes separation of powers
The main issue that started McCulloch v. Maryland
Maryland taxing a Federal bank
The other term for layer-cake Federalism
Dual Federalism
The Supremacy Clause is found here
Article VI
The 23rd Amendment does this
Gives D.C. electoral college votes
This government formed the base for the Articles of Confederation
Iroquois Confederacy
What Marbury was seeking from the Supreme Court
Writ of Mandamus
A lot of the founding fathers were influenced by this man's Second Treatise of Government
John Locke
This event greatly shaped the founding fathers' desire for a stronger central democracy
Shay's Rebellion
These amendments expanded the right to vote to new people
26th, 19th, and 15th