Foundational Docs
The Constitution
Early American Gov
Randomly Difficult

Issued by the second Continental Congress, Explaining desire for colonial independence. Sets the beliefs of a new nation. 

The Declaration of Independence


Outlines the Powers of the legislative branch of government 

Article 1


Name 3 Principles of American Government

1. Republicanism

2. Popular Sovereignty

3. Majority Rule

4. Minority Rights 

5. Checks and Balances

6. Sep of Powers

7. Limited Government


Money given to the states from the federal government that comes with strings attached

Categorical Grant


Article 1 Section 7 explains

How a bill becomes a law and Congressional override of a presidential veto


Argument against a strong central government. Argued for small republics to better represent the localities within a vast country.  

Brutus 1


Establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land and gives supremacy of federal laws over the states

Article 6


A theory of government that believes open, multiple completing groups can check the power of one group. 

Pluralist Democracy


3 examples of concurrent powers of government

1. Levy taxes

2. Borrow Money

3. establish courts

4. enact/enforce laws

5. Spend for the general welfare


Article 2 Section 4 explains

How to impeach and remove a president


Argues liberty is safest in a large republic because of the dangers of factions. diversity makes tyranny by the majority difficult to achieve.

Federalist #10


Constitutional Clause requiring states to recognize the laws and legals documents of other states

Article 4


Collection of 85 Articles written under the name 'Publius' that defended the Constitution in detail

The Federalist Papers


A concept in which the federal government provides grants to states and localities to achieve national goals.

Creative Federalism


Article 3 Section 1 Explains

Establishment of the Supreme Court and Justices term lengths


Created a weak alliance between the several states. Severely limited the power of the Federal Government. 

Articles of Confederation

Limits the power of the states. Ex: States can't enter into treaties or coin their own money. 

Article 1 Section 10


Author of Governmental writings including Natural Rights, Social Contract Theory, and Treatises of Government

John Locke


Supreme Court Case Constitutional clause in question: Article 1 Section 8 Commerce clause

U.S. v. Lopez


Article 5: Amending the Constitution. Name two ways to amend. 

1. 2/3 of both houses vote for amendment; ratified by 3/4 of the states

2. 2/3 of both houses; ratified by a special convention of the states

3. proposed by a constitutional convention by 2/3 of states; ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures

4. proposed by a constitutional convention by 2/3 of states; ratified by convention of 3/4 of the states


advocated for the new constitution by explaining separation of powers and checks and balances. "If men were angels than no government would be necessary".

Federalist #51


Lists specific powers granted to congress, including powers to regulate commerce, declare war, and carry out any laws necessary and proper. 

Article 1 Section 8


Plan for Legislative Representation that advocated for 3 Branches and a bicameral legislature with Proportional representation in both houses. 

Virginia Plan


Supreme Court Case Constitutional clause in question: Article 1 Section 8 Commerce clause and Article 6

McCulloch v. Maryland

  • Due process: No one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
  • Self-incrimination: No one can be compelled to be a witness against themselves in a criminal case.
  • Double jeopardy: No one can be tried twice for the same offense.

5th Amendment