World War II
50s & 60s
Cold War
70s & 80s

It was the second city on which the US dropped an atomic bomb, after which, Japanese emperor Hirohito accepted defeat.

What was Nagasaki?


A latitudinal line dividing Communist North Korea from non-Communist South Korea.

What is the 38th Parallel?


A period of several days in late 1962 when the world was on the brink of nuclear war.

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?


A political break-in by Nixon aides in 1972 that the president tried to cover up. It resulted in Nixon’s near-impeachment and his resignation in 1973.

What was the Watergate Affair?


He was the first African American to become president in 2008.

Who is Barack Obama?


The bloodiest single campaign in the Pacific, with American losses of 12,000 and Japanese losses of 110,000.

What was Okinawa?


This was started by Rosa Parks when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white male. It financially devastated the Montgomery city bus system.

What was the Montgomery Bus Boycott?


This was a failed invasion of Cuba by the US under the Kennedy administration on April 17, 1961.

What was the Bay of Pigs?


This prohibited the sale of any oil from OPEC nations to America and other nations that supported Israel.

What was the oil embargo?


This action was widely denounced and dashed President Ford's popularity.

What was the full presidential pardon of Richard Nixon?


This was the largest naval battle in history and a critical blow to Japanese naval and air forces.

What was the Battle of Leyte Gulf?


Eisenhower’s belief in being “conservative when it comes to money and liberal when it comes to human beings.”

What is Dynamic Conservatism?


A shipment of food and supplies to West Berlin, forcing the Soviets to end their blockade.

What was the Berlin Airlift?


Aggressive Soviet action that removed all chance of the Senate passing the SALT II Treaty.

What was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?


He was president at the end of World War II.

Who was Harry S Truman?


A French general who had escaped before the fall of France and commanded the “Free French”.

Who was Charles de Gaulle?


He was the Soviet leader during the Kennedy Administration. He sent nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to Kennedy’s placement of missiles in Turkey.

Who was Nikita Khrushchev?


This would limit the number and kinds of nuclear weapons for the United States and Soviet Union during the Cold War. It was never passed by Congress.

What was the SALT II Treaty?


This was President Carter’s foreign policy nightmare.

What was the Iranian hostage crisis?


He was the only president to serve more than two terms in office.

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?


He took command of Axis forces in North Africa at Tripoli in 1941. He later oversaw fortifications along the Atlantic coast in France.

Who was Erwin Rommel?


He was the Communist leader of Vietnamese forces against the French in the Vietnamese war for independence.

Who was Ho Chi Minh?


They secretly passed sensitive information about the atomic bomb to the Soviets, and were later executed by electric chair.

Who were the Rosenbergs?


These included agreements between Egypt and Israel and was brokered by President Carter in 1978.

What were the Camp David Accords?


All three of these presidents were impeached.

Who were Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump?